
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

W.I.P. Wednesday...... Progress

Yesterday brought progress to my Wavelength quilt.  It's now at cot quilt size and I was maybe who knows am aiming for single bed size.  Soooo, 168 4.5" blocks done.  Probably about 80 more to go.  Hmmmm........

Wavelength Progress

My original plan was to use all the colours in the Color Me Happy range but I'm second guessing myself - so who knows what this will look like when it's finished!?

Wavelength Progress

You can really see why V & Co named this range what they did!  It's just so damn cheerful to look at!

And in other W.I.P. news - I've received quite a few more bee blocks from QCA Bee #5!  You may remember the Radiating Sparkler block I first whipped up a couple of months ago HERE?  Well, they're multiplying.  And I am ADORING how it's all coming together!

Radiating Sparkler Progress
Photo is from IG, so apologies for its fuzziness!
I'm also realising that I may or may not have a slight addiction to the use of gradient colour schemes!?!?  So be it!  And for all of you who asked me back when I did the first of these blocks - I will have a tutorial for you all in a month or so ;)

I had planned to pull out all my W.I.P.'S to fess up, but clearly did not have the time!  I was discussing with a quilty friend the other day about the onset of my quilter's ADHD, and she made me feel much better by confessing she has 27 W.I.P.'S.  I promised I wouldn't judge, and I won't - basically because that could very well be my count in a couple of years if I don't pull my finger out!  I think my count is at six.  But don't hold me to that.....

I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced - You can too!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday Stash & Dash

I think the "Stash & Dash" is going to become a regular post here for me!  I seriously cannot get my shit together during the week lately to write multiple blog posts!  So I now have 15 minutes spare and will punch this baby out using dodgy Instagram photos!  Sorry.....

Are you still awake @partyofeightourstory ? Theres some #weewander #fullmoonlagoon and #colormehappy Happy day indeed!!

Firstly, the stash part - I decided I needed another bundle of Wee Wander, so I wandered over to Westwood Acres and threw it in my cart.  And then decided to make my shipping worthwhile, I best fill that cart up!  I chucked in a fat 1/8th bundle of Color Me Happy and Full Moon Lagoon for good measure.  They were SO pretty when I opened it up, and although I didn't have anything in mind for the Fat 1/8th bundles, I soon found something.....

Wavelength starting to take shape!

The delightful Lee over at Freshly Pieced just released a fabulous new pattern - Wavelength.  She has it on sale for a limited time, so if you pop over HERE you will find it.  I knew Color Me Happy would be perfect for this pattern, and just had to do some creative cutting with the little 1/8th's!  The above photo is 1.5 days work.  I'm using the template version, opposed to the paper pieced.  Basically because I don't have a printer, and I don't really want to ask my husband to print off 100's of templates at work!  I'm THRILLED with how it's coming together, and have cut out another two rows ready to add this week.  My youngest son was watching me lay it out and asked "who's this quilt for Mum?".......  Ummmmmm, I dunno!!!!

And block 11 of the @fatquartershop mystery bom is done! #1moretogo

Another little happy package arrived, my 11th block pattern and fabrics for the Fat Quarter Shop Mystery Designer BOM.  I love this block, so cute!  Getting to the end of the BOM, so I shot over to Spotlight last Tuesday to take advantage of their 40% off fabrics, and grabbed some solids and a couple of little prints that will work beautifully will these blocks!

Finished! #paperpieced #unionjack

I have also come to the conclusion this week that I have finally succumbed to Quilter's ADHD.  I seem to be constantly starting new projects and jumping from one to the other.  Totally normal, I'm told, for quilters - but strange for me!  This little paper pieced Union Jack is the beginning of a  project my Wombat Stew friends are helping me with.  A London themed quilt!  It's going to be FAB!

April's #qcabee5 block! Love it!

And lastly, this is my April block for the QCA Bee #5!  Michelle asked for the great block pattern and asked us to use the cutest most fabulous feature fabric we had.  It was pretty obvious I should pull out my Jolli Pomme for the occasion!  She also asked for gem colours and to use some aqua in the block.  I think I covered all bases?  I love it!

Anywho, my 15 minutes is almost up, and I have television to watch!

I'm linking up - You can too!

Molli Sparkles

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Fun With Fabric - "Enchanted" by Sarah Fielke

A few weeks ago, I answered a call from Windham Fabrics, who were looking for people to help out with items for their Spring Market booth and Catalogues.  Lucky for me, they chose to send me Sarah Fielke's new range "Enchanted" to make whatever I pleased!  I was a little excited and was thrilled when I opened the package to find some beautiful, bright and divine prints to work with!  It took me a couple of days to decide what I would make, but I think I chose wisely.....

Sarah Fielke "Enchanted"

"Peacock Garden in Spring" is perfect for the Boho bag, because of it's big bold print.  The colours really have to be seen to be appreciated.  I teamed it with "enchanting stripe in Autumn" for the top and handles, which is, to me, like a mix of love hearts and beanstalks!

Sarah Fielke "Enchanted"

The "enchanting stripe in Summer" is the most perfect shade of lime ever!  Given we are just heading in to our coldest months here in Australia, I think these bright colours are just what we need!

Sarah Fielke "Enchanted"

I also whipped up a cushion using the peacock print - which is absolutely perfect for fussy cutting!  The peacock centre block was cut precisely 6.5" square.  Nice one!  The pink solid was also supplied by Windham and is gorgeous quality.

Sarah Fielke "Enchanted"

I used my trusty Aurifil #2024 to piece and also quilt around the star.  Some echoing around the points and then free motion swirls for texture.

Sarah Fielke "Enchanted"

And a simple envelope enclosure on the back using "Enchanting Sprigs in Autumn".  Another gorgeous little print with the tiniest hint of pink.

Now - Sarah tells me the full range will be hitting patchwork and quilting stores from June/July!  So be sure to keep an eye out and get yourself some!  You can check out the full range HERE.

I'm linking up - You can too!

Sew Cute Tuesday

Fresh Poppy Design

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

W.I.P. Wednesday - Something New

I started a new little project yesterday, which will be available in an upcoming showcase on Facebook.  It's a collaboration, and my partner in crime - Melisa Jane - will be making something gorgeous to co-ordinate beautifully with this little Wee Wander pram quilt!  The little quilt top was easy enough in itself.  Lots of fussy cutting to ensure all those beautiful features of the fabric shone through.  But this morning I sat and pondered how I would quilt it?  Just stick with straight lines around the blocks, or go to town with some FMQ?  I started some swirls, and then unpicked them.  Grabbed some calico and scrap batting and gave feathers a crack.  My first try was a little boring but on the second try I knew I could figure it out.

And I did.  Hey, they may not be as stunning as the professionals can mange, but I am so utterly proud of myself for A) Not chickening out and B) Persevering.

Wee Wander in progress 

Happy dance.  I tried adding swirls in and around them, but hated them!  So unpicker came out again! 

FMQ Feathers Debut

See - they're not bad!  Hoorah!

This little number will hopefully be bound tomorrow, or will have to wait until after the Easter long weekend, as we are heading down to the {cold} beach.  I'm still yet to figure out what I'm doing to use to bind it with, as I only have scraps of fat quarters left of this range!

I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced - You can too!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday Stash - The Birthday Week Edition

In the ten days since my last blog post, plenty has been a happenin'!  I shall once again blame school holidays for the lack of posts - and a very eventful week.  And because it is now almost 9pm on a Sunday night, and I have a glass of wine under my belt, this will be a fast and furious post!

This little bundle of happiness just arrived from #theozmaterialgirls If you haven't shopped with them, go to their fb page and check out their fabulousness! @artgalleryfabrics #weewander

These beauties arrived care of The Oz Material Girls.  I DIE over Art Gallery fabrics, and these Poetica prints were a bargain at $3 a fat quarter!  And the random Wee Wander was thrown in for good measure!  I happen to think the Poetica coordinates beautifully with those SJ prints!

Aurifil Designer Block of the month April

April is here - which means a new block for the Aurifil Designer of Month BOM.  I stalked Pat Sloan's blog for a couple of days, and when it was announced I was so excited - I'd never made a bear paw block before!  But now - yes indeedy.  I ADORE this block!

Aurifil Designer Block of the month Jan-April

And I happen to think this may very well be one of the prettiest and divine quilts I will ever make!  Now to show some patience until May.....


I managed to whip this baby up for a friend's little man's 1st birthday.  I'm loving these keepsake cushions for gifts!!!


The fire truck is one of Quiet Play's fab paper pieced patterns and was super easy to put together!


I whipped out the trusty Aurifil to do some meandering quilting and then free motioned his name and date of birth.  LOVE!

Now - what else happened this week?  Well, I turned 39!  Wha!??!?!!?!?  Still hard to believe I only have one more year in the dirty thirties.  But that also means I have almost a year to figure out the epic way I shall celebrate turning 40!

My 39th birthday started off a little shaky after Cadyn returned home from the zoo with a dodgy and irritated eye.  Turns out the giraffe that kicked up dust in his face really did a good job.  Birthday eve was spent at the GP and then local hospital, where we were sent home and instructed to take him to the Eye & Ear Hospital in the city the following morning.  So I was woken at 6.30am on my birthday and in the car 15 minutes later for the hour drive in peak hour traffic.  FUN!!!  Turns out the giraffe's dust only irritated what seems to have been metal in his eye - and it had formed rust on his cornea!  So my poor little nine year old sat for ages whilst an eye specialist literally drilled rust from his eye.  Made for interesting viewing!  I'm happy to say after another visit on Friday - he's been given the all clear.  No more zoo visits for the holidays.....


My birthday (week) got better!  I received some gorgeous handmade mail and was extremely excited!  The gorgeous Gina from Party of Eight made me this divine pot holder and tea towel!  I'm still yet to work out how I will ever use the tea towel for fear of it getting ruined!  It is quite literally one of the most exquisite hand sewn pieces ever!  Thank you Gina xxx


Another parcel arrived, this time from my beautiful friend Gemma (Pretty Bobbins).  You've heard me rave about Gemma a million times over, and will probably do so again in coming years!  Gem made me this UH-MAZING cushion cover!!!  Our Wombat Stew gals decided we would do a secret birthday present swap this year, and this is mine!  Hoorah!  That cover was cushioned within minutes and taken over by Bella the cat.  Thank you Gem xxxx


Then, two days after my birthday, my Mum and I ventured in to the city for the Australasian Quilt Convention.  It was again held at the Old Exhibition Buildings in Carlton Gardens.  One of THE most divine buildings I've seen.  It was a great week to have my birthday and the show collide, because my darling Mummy bought me my birthday gifts whilst there!  All the pretty fabrics are care of Mum.  I also bought myself a quick curves ruler (googling myself silly at present!), some new quilting gloves and rotary blades.  A slightly funny story - I asked the lady behind the stall if the black and white was Minimalista?  She tells me no.  I buy it anyway (cos I'm freakin in love with Quilt Jane's latest quilt - which I might add has been left to me in Jane's will!).  Get it home - and whaddayouknow?  It's Minimalista!  Don't tell me I don't know which fabric I'm stalking!


And I also found these dear little deer prints, amongst others.

I would like to give you a full blog post dedicated to AQC like I did LAST YEAR, however, my phone's camera is shite, and although I took photos on my Mum's phone - they won't transfer properly!  Soooo, unless some technological miracle happens, you will just have to believe me when I say it was FABULOUS!  So much talent and inspiration.

Birthday week has just ended this evening, celebrating with my in-laws.  So I shall end my post here by saying - I thank my lucky stars each and every day for the wonderful gift of friendship I have received through my love of quilting.  I am a part of many FB groups, Flickr, Instagram and the blogging world - and have "met" so many beautiful people!  And I feel like a whole other world opened up when I discovered quilting.  So thank you from the bottom of my heart for hanging around! xxxxx

Me - 39.  Chelsea - not quite 11.  Fair to say I'm going to be living up to my name in years to come -
the Midget of the family!

I'm linking up - You can too!

Molli Sparkles

Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Cushion Confession

If you've been around here a while, you would know I am somewhat a fan of the quilted cushion.  It is my "go to" gift for anyone and everyone.  Birthday?  Have a cushion!  Christmas?  Have a cushion!  Wedding?  Have a cushion!  They are a bright little spark of instant gratification.  Today was one of those days.  We have so many celebrations coming up, and amongst them are a couple of first birthdays.  So I decided I would make both these littlies a personalised cushion.  I popped over to Quiet Play and purchased a couple of gorgeous patterns, and jumped in to the first one today......

Amarli's Cushion

I absolutely ADORE this bunting and birdy pattern!  SOOOOOOO easy to put together!  Once I had the paper piecing done, I made the cushion front the right size, basted it and got my free motion quilting on.  Whilst swirling myself silly, I realised just how much I love the freedom you get with FMQ.  And I came to a little old conclusion - the last few quilts I've made, I've found it very difficult to free motion quilt them.  And by that, I mean I just can't FMQ a complete quilt top.  I start, and then unpick because it's just not how I want it to look.  And then I chicken out and just straight line the main part of it, and FMQ around the borders.  It's rather frustrating!  BUT - I find my body thanks me for it.  Regardless, I really, really want to get my FMQ mojo back!  I remember how accomplished I felt when I finished my Flying by the seat of my pants quilt.  I was so utterly impressed with myself!  I want to feel like that again.  And I realise now that the reason I haven't finished my Star-Crossed quilt, is because I know I want to free motion it, but am yet to find that mojo.......  Send me some mojo people!

Amarli's Cushion

Back to this cushion........  I used beautiful baby pink Aurifil #2410 to free motion all the swirls around the pieced sections.  And a little bit of Coral Aurifil to embellish this little birdy with some feathers!

Amarli's Cushion

For the name and date, I used a variegated pink Aurifil #3660, and just lightly wrote the name with a pink marker first, before free motion quilting it.

Amarli's Cushion

And the backing has used up these two gorgeous prints that were originally bought and utilised for this same little girl's cot quilt I made for her when she was still in utero!  It feels like a lifetime ago, but I made this quilt only just over a year ago!

Kissing Fish
More photos of Kissing Fish Quilt HERE.

Soooooo........ That's another project to tick off my list.  Would you believe I have no power all day tomorrow?!?!?!!?  And it's not a work day.  Seriously bummed!  So it will be head down, sewing machine on this weekend.

I'm linking up - You can too!

Paper Piecing Party