
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

An unfortunate update...

Hello friends.....

It is with a very heavy heart that I share the news of the passing of my dear elderly friend I had only blogged about a month or so ago. In the end, his family and friends got their wish - for him to pass away with dignity and comfort, in his own home.

For the past 13 years I have cared for this man, and treated him exactly how I hope I am treated if I am ever in the position of being under someone else's care. For the most part, he was a very joyous man, and loved a good laugh - often at someone else's expense. So it is now that my co-workers and I get the privilege of taking part in organising his farewell. Yesterday, three of my closest friends and I sat around a table with a funeral director, and bravely faced up to having to choose a coffin and flowers for him. This is something I honestly did not believe I would have to do for a very long time....but it truly is an honour to be able to send him off with the same amount of joy and respect that he had whilst still with us.

Although yesterday was difficult and there were tears shed, there was also a great deal of laughter as we all shared the amusing stories about this man we had all come to love and treasure. I am hoping that his funeral will also be a mixture of tears and laughter - as we mourn our loss but also celebrate the sheer joy of knowing him and sharing his life.

So today I shall sign off with a quote from my friend - "Are you there Dear?" No matter where you were in this gentleman's home, you could hear him calling out, and for the majority of times, all he wanted was to be reassured he was not alone. Well, RF, you weren't alone, and you never will be. My hope is that you have been reunited with your loving Mum and Dad, and that you are resting ever so peacefully.

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