
Monday, July 19, 2010

To be Grateful - Day one

The things I am grateful for today:

1. My gorgeous youngest son received the student of the week award for his class. I am grateful that after a slow and sometimes frustrating beginning to his first year of school, my little man is getting the grasp of reading, and is gaining confidence each and every day!

2. My tax return. I am grateful that when I logged in to my bank account today I found a lovely surprise from the tax department! This allowed me to pay off the remainder of my car loan, which in turn allows my family extra money each month to save.

3. My husband returning to tertiary studies this evening. Although it will be tough with him going back to university part-time, I am so very grateful that he has a wonderful job with a generous company, who have given him the opportunity to pursue further education.

So that's my very first entry in this here Gratitude Journal! What are you grateful for today?

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