
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

To be Grateful - Day Three

Today was a day of ups and downs, pretty normal for me at present! I managed to land in the mud with my son after he fell over at school this morning, stepped up and asked someone a question, and didn't show how disappointed I was at the answer. Spent the morning with a gorgeous girlfriend and her oh so cute son, and watched he and Chloe play beautifully. Took part in the joy of grocery shopping and savoured an hour spent on the couch watching day time television whilst eating chocolate! Just another day in suburban Melbourne....

And now to let you know what I truly am grateful for today:

1. The reality that in 15 more sleeps I will be on the Gold Coast with my eldest son and many life-long friends I haven't seen for years. I am grateful mostly that I will be able to spend some quality one on one time with my big boy before he heads in to the unchartered territory that is secondary school.

2. My unbelievably wonderful and supportive boss. I am so very blessed to work with four of the most beautiful women put on this earth. My boss however never ceases to amaze me with her compassion and understanding, and today was another clear example of why I treasure her friendship.

3. Comfortable shoes......yep, that's what I'm grateful for! I was lucky enough to be able to buy a really decent and well made pair of runners yesterday, and today my feet are thanking me.

My quote for today? "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment" - Buddha. I'm doing my best, I really am...

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