
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Highs and Lows

Tonight's blog post was going to be all about my amazingly fantabulous day at my first "real" handmade market......until about ten minutes ago, when my Mummy called. She dealt me the sad news that one of her longest and dearest friends had finally lost her very long battle with cancer. Mum had only shared this morning that this amazing woman had only been admitted to hospital a couple of days earlier. Only a week or so ago, Mum had spent a week with her friend and her family in Fiji, celebrating the marriage of one of her four sons. I'm so glad that they all got to spend such a lovely week together, before she was taken from them. So this is my little ode to Rob........You were always such a happy-go-lucky woman! Four rambuncous little boys, who drew your smiles but not your patience - this is how I remember you when I was a child. The lady who never stopped laughing. May you rest in peace, and may your sons forever remember you as the amazing woman you were......
I shall fill you in on my market day tomorrow. Night all.

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