
Wednesday, September 7, 2011


 Yesterday morning brought an oh-so-familiar tap on my door - the delivery man!  I thought I had marked my much anticipated parcel to be posted to my work address, so was a little curious as to what he had for me - until I saw the box.  My latest purchase of fabrics had arrived.  30 yards of pure happiness!  Julie over at  has me mesmerised by her delicious array of fabrics, and it took me quite some time to decide on this latest collection.  I think I did pretty well with my choice - certainly like no other fabrics I have ever seen.

I already had a pre-order from a couple of prints, so I got to work yesterday, and by 10pm had this to show:

Beautiful pink elephants for a lucky little girl

And amazing purple parrots for another lucky girl!

I have called this the "Journey Collection".  Matching these prints is already proving to be quite tricky.  The designs, colour pallettes and the way the patterns run are going to make life very interesting for the next couple of weeks leading up to my next Market!  But I am happy with the first two frocks - what do you think?


  1. Found you through Julie's blog (I love her shop too!). Your dresses are fantastic. I think the top one with all the elephants is my favorite! :)

  2. Saw your blog mentioned on the Intrepid Thread. The dresses look great!


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