
Friday, September 16, 2011

Why sewing is SEW good for you!

I meant to post about this a few weeks ago.....but got side-tracked - sewing.  Just remembered today!

Just after I decided to throw myself in the deep end and sign up for my first Market appearance, with ten days notice, I found myself sewing long in to the evenings, and before I knew it, it would be close to midnight and I would turn everything off and crawl in to bed.  About a week in to this tiring pattern, I was wondering why my just-bought jeans, which were a little tight when purchased, were starting to feel a little loose?  I laughed with my husband, that I had just paid a fortune for these denim beauties (yes, full price - something I NEVER do), only to find them not fitting so perfectly!  Then it occurred to me - my late night escapades with my sewing machines, had kept me from my usual late night escapades with tv remote and food!


This theory was confirmed a week or so ago, when I found myself more organised in the lead up to this next market.  I have been doing the majority of my sewing in daylight, and once again find myself snacks in hand, surfing the channels at night!  And my delicious jeans are now feeling much firmer and fitted.....

My full priced Curve ID jeans I've ever bought!

So there you go people - you heard it here (first?) - hit the sewing machines and lose inches!

Has anyone else noticed this new-found phenomenon?

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