
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mums Like Me

Last night, whilst wasting using my time wisely, I stumbled across a wonderful Facebook page - Yumminess Textiles.  I looked them up because I saw they were holding an auction, raising money for Mums Like Me.  I had never heard of Mums Like Me, but now that I have, I would like to shout it to the world!

Mums Like Me was started by an amazing woman, Erin, you can read her story here.  In their own words:

"Mums Like Me Organisation Incorporated is a not for profit organisation, that donates hand made Memory Boxes to hospitals, for newly bereaved parents. Mums Like Me  Memory Boxes are unique as they are made by other Mums who have also suffered the loss of a pregnancy and baby through Stillbirth, Neonatal Loss, and Late Miscarriage . These boxes are made by bereaved Mums, at our Support Group Meeting."

This is a cause close to my heart, not only because I have friends who have suffered the loss of their babies, but also because of my own loss.  I "only" had a miscarriage, but it effected me deeply.  I shall share that little part of my life another time.  Please visit Yumminess and check out their Auction Album.  There are some amazing products up for bidding, including this lovely set I have made.

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