
Sunday, November 20, 2011

My 100th Post!! Give-away?

I just came on here to blog about the fact I have just joined the Pinterest community - and then I noticed it was my 100th post!  So then I started to think about how I would be wasting such a monumental moment on telling you about Pinterest?!?!  And then I started to think about how I should celebrate actually logging in to Blogger and managing to spew forth my thoughts 100 times?  And of course - now I am over-thinking it!  Heheheh.......

So, back to Pinterest......I have been watching, reading, stumbling across many bloggers who have been raving about Pinterest.  About how they are "pinners".  About how they found such and such's pin and it's totally like amazing!!  But I was scared.  Another online community.  Another thing that could (and will) lead me to wasting more of my precious time sitting in front of the computer.  So I joined.....

I was lovingly invited by a couple of cool chicks I "know" from a uber cool Sewing Group on Facebook. And after a few no doubt ridiculous questions from myself......I managed to pop my pinning cherry!  What did I pin?

My all time favourite fabric!
And then I pinned some more.......and more.....and more!  I have already wasted an hour.  Ho-hum.  But what I have done in that hour, is move all of my bookmarked websites, links etc onto "boards"!  And it looks so much prettier on my Pinterest boards than it does down the side of my iMac screen!  I am actually quite thrilled!

Ok, back to celebrating 100 posts.......

How would you like $25 to spend at Ms Midge?  Well, there's a couple of ways you can enter!

1.  Comment on this blog post
2. "Like" Ms Midge on Facebook, and leave a comment on the wall (if you're already a liker, let me know that!)
3.  Follow this blog!

Each of the above options gives you one entry in to the give-away!  I know I "only" have 11 followers here in bloggy land.....but I know for certain there's a whole lot of you out there who silently follow me and encourage me in other forms!  Thanks again! xx


  1. Congratulations!!! Hope to continue enjoying your blogs!

  2. Happy 100th blog

  3. Just started to follow you Ms Midge!

  4. Thank you all for popping by and "entering"!! Winner of this little giveaway will be announced tomorrow night xxx

  5. 100th Post - congratulation Ms Midge

  6. congrats on the 100th post !!

  7. Congratulations on your 100th post!

    I am a new follower to your blog - old follower on Facebook.



Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment - I read each and every one of them! xx