
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Help required!

I wouldn't normally throw it out there like this.....but I truly cannot decide which fabric range to purchase next!  It will be used for my February collection of dresses and outfits.  So, I'm going to leave it open to you - my lovely customers!  Votes shall be tallied over the next couple of days, and one of the "voters" will receive a little somethin somethin for their efforts!  So - go on - Vote!

Option Number One - sigh....

Option Number Two - Something different for me, but maybe not so different for everyone else!

Option Number Three - A bit geometrical and floral!

Option Number Four - amazing colours together.....
Well, there are your options!  Please comment on this blog post to be included in my little gift giveaway!  Ps. Thanks in advance to Jewel for the use of her photos (sorry I haven't asked you!!!)


  1. I like no 3, then 4, then 1, then 2. Not really liking number 2 as much as the others but loving number 3! Keep up the great work!!!!

  2. I can see option three at Ms Midge.. I looked at it and though of you straight away..:)Bernii xx

  3. I love option number 1 and would love to see those reds and aquas together.

  4. option one!! potential for some gorgeous combo's there :)

  5. I love number 1, followed by number 4. The reds and blues in number 1 would be gorgeous together!!

  6. hard choice, but I like 3 best


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment - I read each and every one of them! xx