
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Merry Christmas!

With Christmas Day 2011 almost coming to an end, I just wanted to take the opportunity to say Merry Christmas!  Thank you all for checking in every now and then, reading, sharing and taking an interest in my sometimes very mediocre life!

I wish you all much joy, stuffed bellies and over-loaded rubbish bins.  That's exactly what today has brought to my beautiful family.

It has also brought the priceless looks on my children's faces when they read their little letters (Dr Seuss style penned by Me) packed in their new bags, filled with Summer clothes, hats and thongs that they got as gifts....

We have managed to keep this holiday a secret from the three youngest children for approximately eight months!  My eldest son also kept the secret, so that is a feat in itself!  We are off to the Gold Coast this time next week......lots of fun in the sun, catching up with my childhood into adulthood friends and general family fun.  I cannot wait!

So as I publish this post, I am about to head out the door to visit some family, including my husband's 92 year old Nanna.  Once again, feeling very blessed to be able to share time with beautiful people.

Merry Christmas everyone xxx

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