
Friday, February 10, 2012


I've slipped.  It's not that I forgot about my Photo A Day Challenge.  I just literally have not stopped to take a photo!  This week has gone a little like this:

Monday - swimming lessons resume.  Return home to start cleaning house.  Start doing some sewing.  Start doing washing.  Do not finish any of before-mentioned tasks due to play date!

Tuesday - had planned to sew all day.  Fail.  Can't even remember what it was that stopped me from plans.  Oh, hang on.  Yes, went shopping instead.  Whoops.

Wednesday - Went to work.  Got call at 1pm to say biggest boy was in sick bay.  Picked him up, took him home, administered Panadol and returned to work.  Turns out he had a virus with high temp.
Thursday - Biggest boy stays home from school.  I shelf all ideas of sewing - again.  Instead I get in car at 8.45am.  School run.  Shops to get husband's glasses fixed.  Visit "Gold Buyers" for first time ever, and am pleased to say they hand me $157 for the bracelet and ring I found lurking in my drawers.  Many thanks to my husband's ex-girlfriend for the spending money.  Drive around the world picking up bits and pieces and running errands.  Return home to sick child, who has miraculously managed to hang up my washing and make muffins.  Nice.

Today - Work again.  Slept in again.  Didn't have time for a shower again.  Just picked up children, posting this blog, then off to under 10's cricket.  Fascinating.

For those of you who have been waiting for my four days of photos - here they are:

Day 7 - Buttons.  Just happens that these little (well, big) beauties landed on my door on that very day!  45mm
self-covering buttons.  I obviously didn't measure 45mm when I ordered, as they are much larger than I thought!

Day 8 - The Sun.  Ok, so I didn't take a snap of it that day....just went out earlier on this strange day in Melbourne.  It's not actually that dark outside, my iPhone just didn't appreciate that glare when pointing directly at the sun!

Day 9 - Front Door.  Self explanatory.  This is the same front door I have looked at for almost eight years.  The same one I keep commenting to myself "needs to be painted".  Also the same front door I always forget has see through glass when I'm walking to our bedroom in my undies......

Day 10 - Self Portrait.  Just got home from work today.  So looked in my favourite mirror and laughed at my unkept look - but took a photo anyway!  This is what I look like when I sleep in on a work morning, and do not manage to make the shower....noice.
Tomorrow night we have an 80's party to celebrate a friend's 30th birthday.  I cannot decide between disguising myself as Wonder Woman or Madonna??  Obvious remarks from friends are that Wonder Woman has rather large lady lumps - something I do not have.   Help??

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