
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Favourite Photos

Day 21 - Favourite Photo of Myself

When I saw today's Photo-A-Day-Challenge topic, I was perplexed!  So many photos.  So many years.  How could I choose?  I decided the best way to go about it was to scroll through all of my Facebook profile pics.  Surely I only had photos I liked of myself as profile pics yeh?  Then I stumbled across this beauty!

Me - age 4
It made me smile.  The funny little haircut.  The UH-mazing denim dress, that I would love to have for my girls to wear NOW.  And the cheeky little smile and freckles.  Love it.  1979 was my year!

Whilst going about my profile pic search, it made me laugh at how many damn photos I upload to Facebook!  It's like a digital scrapbook.

Two weeks ago, we had a 30th Birthday Party to go to.  When we arrived, amongst the laughter at each other's costumes, my darling friends proclaimed they had chosen to leave their cameras behind because "Midge always has hers!"  Looking through all the photos - I can now see why they would say that!

Are you an amateur photographer?  Or professional for that matter?  What is YOUR favourite photo of yourself?

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