
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Done - Finally

Last night, I spoke briefly about Eden, and her journey to Niger on behalf of World Vision Australia.  I promised I would sponsor the child I have spoken of sponsoring for years now.  And then I went to bed.  Today, amongst the running around with the kids, getting washing done and finishing sewing orders - I kept thinking about the child I hadn't sponsored yet.  But I kept getting busy, and forgetting.  So tonight when I read Eden's latest post, I walked over to my husband and said "You know how I keep saying I want to sponsor a child, and I never do?  Well, I really want to sponsor a child - now."  His response?  "Ok."

I came back to the computer and clicked on the link.  And then got flustered.  Should I sponsor the first child that came up the screen?  Should I choose?  Boy or girl?  Which country?  Should I click on the link that said "longest waiting"?  I became a little overwhelmed.  I'm still overwhelmed now.  I decided we would sponsor a girl.  And the first girl who popped up and was the same age as my eldest daughter was it.  So, it is with great pride, and a feeling of "finally", that I introduce the latest addition to our family...

I feel really silly writing this, but just as her photo came up on the screen then, I've started crying.  Told you I was overwhelmed.  I have no words.  I hope that our $43 a month can help Keriya and her community.  I really do.

Thank you Eden.  Thank you.  I've just shown my nine year old Chelsea the photo of Keriya and explained to her what our family will now be doing.  And she just quietly smiled.  I asked her what she was thinking?  "I'm just happy" she replied.  Bless.

Sponsor a child


  1. Good on you Melissa! You should feel proud :) And what a good example you're setting for your daughter!

    1. Thanks Gemma. I actually feel a little lighter :) And yes, I hope it's an example she will take note of xx

  2. It's a really important message to give to your children, Melissa. Our family have sponsored two children in Africa for about the last 15 years ( only one at a time ) our first child moved away from the area and so we were given another child. We love getting their photos and school reports. Our children have learned to give to the less fortunate even when we didn't have much spare cash ourselves.


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