
Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Fabulous New Blog!

Good evening!  You may (or may not) have noticed I have a lovely and shiny new Button over there to the right >>>>>>>>>>>  This button connects you to the delightful Renee and The Sewing Library!  And if you don't know what The Sewing Library is - please pop over and have a look at their fabulous new Blog!  Renee's first post explains how the library came about and links you up to all the wonderful Facebook Groups she has been inspired to make.  I can't believe that a year ago, I had no idea what they were!  Now, I pop in daily to see what everyone is up to, and also pop in for advice, sewing tips and sometimes a very good giggle.  Renee is running a really great GIVEAWAY on the blog - so if you love sewing and would be interested in learning some great lessons - pop over and enter!

That's it for me tonight - I'm completely spent after a full weekend of work!  I hope you've all had a lovely weekend, and I'll be back tomorrow with more to say no doubt! xx


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