
Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Yep - I decided I would cause myself some much needed hard work on the sewing front and hold my second Market Night over at Ms Midge!  I thought I would be very smart and give myself four weeks to get my act together and put enough time in to have a whole collection - but as always my timing is impeccable!  Those four fantastic long weeks just happened to coincide with two weeks of school holidays - fab.  Needless to say, I have been working against the calendar to get it all together! are some of the gorgeous outfits available on THURSDAY night - the 26th of April.  8.30pm Melbourne time - be there or be square!

You can find the whole Woodland Collection HERE.

In other sewing news, I have made items for a couple of other events happening this week....

Little Pink Tea Party's 1st Birthday Showcase

Handmade Love Showcase - This is only ONE of the entries there!

And I still have to work on some goodies for The Sewing Library's 1st Birthday celebrations!!!  Man - a hell of a lot of celebrating going on this week!  Phew!

So - what do you think?  You like??

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