
Friday, April 13, 2012

WTF - Another What The Friday!

Lots going on this week! When isn't there?  I've had some very amusing and weird things happen, as well as GREAT moments that I think I will always remember.  Here's just some of them....

I'm always trying to make the process of washing, drying, folding and putting away clothes easier and less time consuming. Yes, this is what my life has come to.......  I have ALWAYS folded the clothes as I take them off the line (and have successfully trained both my husband and Lochie to do the same!).  This week I've found another way to cut down time - take one person's clothes off the line at a time!!!  Then all I have to do is take a clump of washing out of the basket - already in a pile and put the friggin things away!  Or, leave them on the dining table for a few days until someone gets sick of eating around them.....

I went for a "personal" appointment last weekend.  Yep - waxing.  Another horrifying conversation to confirm to me that I am, indeed, getting old.  Or maybe I'm just sane?  The lovely 19 year old torturing me with hot wax was discussing with me all the different ways people request to be all off, landing strips etc etc.  She then conveyed to me that a 13 year old came in and asked for a brazillian!!!!  I was so shocked I didn't even feel the hair ripping from my BROW.  WTF??  She very maturely chose to tell this 13 year old that there was no way she was doing that, and that it was against the law.  Apparently said 13 year old was unimpressed.  Next shocking story was of a "Mother" who brought her 14 year old in to have her NIPPLE pierced!  WTF??  What on earth in going on???  Thank God for some sanity and common sense on behalf of this salon.  They straight up refused.

We received our sponsorship package on Wednesday for our lovely new daughter/sister Keniya!!  I showed Chelsea who immediately grabbed a little card and wrote to her.  This fills my heart.  And I think it will continue to do so.  I received a lovely message on my business page today from a customer/reader who said my blog post last week has inspired her to sponsor a child.  Thanks again go out to Eden who has started a chain of goodness.

My stoopid migraine that set up camp last Sunday has left me with the glorious migrainer hangover all week long.  I was going to go and see my Mr Miyagi for some more torture today, but it would mean missing out on Cadyn's jumper presentation for footy tonight.  I emailed my husband about this and was somewhat humbled brought down to earth with his reply.  Apparently my quirky little 7.5 year old commented to his Dad "I can't wait to play basketball, because Mum watches basketball".  It made me stop in my tracks.  I miss most of his cricket season due to work, and also miss half of his footy season for the same reason.  Needless to say - I popped some pain relief and suffered in silence to cheer him on as he received his footy jumper tonight.....

I had a really good conversation with my Mother-in-law this week.  We've had them before, so no surprise there, but she gave me some really good advice as well as some insight.  I still need to process it before I do anything with it, but am grateful....

I've been convinced we need another frickin pet!  Yep, she of the "we're never getting another frickin pet" bandwagon, is getting another frickin pet.......  I'm a sucker for punishment.  New said pet will come in the form of a kitten.  And will be a birthday present for Chelsea who started this strange turn of events by batting her eyelids at her Daddy and begging.  Timing is impeccable and it turns out a lovely friend of mine has a sister with a kitten needing a home.  We pick her up next week.  Stay tuned - for I am sure I will have plenty to say about this in the near future.....

Major excitement yesterday!  Prince's concert dates were released!  I'm so damn excited.......  The Diamonds & Pearls Tour was the first concert I ever went to - back in 1992 I think?  And I still class it as THE best concert I've been to....and I've been to lots!  Friends and I have organised to go in May - it will just be a case of fastest fingers Monday morning to try and get the tickets online!  Hooray!!

Remember THIS post?  The bit about the exciting news??  Well, I'm still excited.  But things came to a bit of a grinding holt.  Wanna know what's going on???  Do ya?  I'll tell you next time!

What's been happening with you this week?  Spill!

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