
Friday, June 22, 2012

Being Charitable and All That.....

You may remember a few days ago when I posted about my impatience and love of Instant Gratification?  Well, I've had some progress!  Today, I decided to throw myself in the deep end and attempt a REAL quilt block!  And I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.

WHY would I do this you ask?  OK, you didn't ask, but I'm going to tell you anyway.  My lovely friends over at The Oz Material Girls are sponsoring Do Your Block Quilts for Charity!  Which I thought was a great idea, and something I could be involved in.  Basically, it is a bunch of like-minded crafters pulling together and whipping up a basic quilt block, then sending them all to someone who can put them all together to make quilts for some worth recipients.  Good idea yes?

The girls have put together a downloadable instruction sheet HERE.  So if you think you would be able to put together one or even a few lovely little quilt blocks, pop on over to their Facebook Event Page and keep up to date!

Remember - you don't have to go out and buy new fabric for this - once I had committed myself, I then looked around and realised I have packed up 95% of my fabric stash!  But luckily I keep all of my scraps in plastic bags, sorted into fabric collections, so I could open up a bag and put one together.  And this is what my first REAL quilt block looks like!

Isn't she gorgeous?

Whilst you're blog-hopping, pop over to EDENLAND and check out her LATEST POST about being charitable.  She mentions a fabulous charity Foundation 18, which I have now donated to a number of times.  So GO!!

Do you quilt?  Do you like to be charitable?


  1. Thanks so much Midge, your block is just so cute and we can't wait to get it.... we appreciate your support xxx

  2. Cute block! I'll be sure to check them out today :)

  3. Gorgeous block! Love that fabric range. I have just started to dabble in some quilting so this would be a great project for me - something charitable and some good practice!

    1. Fabulous Roslyn - I shall keep an eye out for your block!


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