
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Breathing Life In...A Book Review of sorts.....

Tuesday, I shared THIS with you, and said I would be back to divulge more.  Here I am.  Still in a post-long-weekend-daze.  I spoke to my Mum earlier and she actually got choked up, talking about all the photos she had seen on Facebook, which displayed my weekend's antics.  Said she had not seen me smile so brightly in a while.  I agreed!  I relayed all the tales I had gathered, from all the familiar names she knew.  It was lovely to share.

She's SO right.  I have not been as happy, so blatantly cheerful, in quite some time.  I described it yesterday to work colleagues - I had time to BREATHE.  I'm tearing up just remembering.  I AM generally a VERY happy person.  I'm pretty certain most of my friends will tell you this.  But having the chance to just "BE" for four whole days, was one that has left me reeling.  Why?

I started Friday morning off with the usual school and creche run.  Popped in to the shops to grab a couple of things for the kids they needed, and then headed home to finish packing.  Mum came past and picked me up, for the trip to the airport.  Once safely inside the terminal, I pulled the book out of my bag that I had so patiently waited to open.  "50 Shades of Grey" stared up at me.  And so I began reading.....

Basically, I have not enough words I could pull from the thesaurus to give this novel the description is really deserves.  "Erotic Romance" is the class it has been slotted in to.  I have found it to be so much more.  I will sound like a typical guy who reads "Playboy" for the stories - but apart from the absolutely freaky, erotic, mind-boggling sex in this novel - the story really is great!  I couldn't put it down.  Didn't even realise I had landed in Queensland.....

This novel opened up many a conversation over the weekend.  With my closest of friends, whom I really have never spoken to much about sex.  Needless to say, the conversations were riveting.  But it also opened up the flood-gates.  Talking about our lives as a whole.  How we are women first and foremost, and then wives, mothers and friends.  How our marriages/partnerships should still be up there on the top of the priority list, but also, why they aren't at times.  It's because we are all so busy.  And not breathing.

Each of these beautiful women now have copies of the book, and its sequels.  Yes, there are three provocative, naughty and no-holds-barred books in the series.  I am almost finished the second (The husband bought the other two books for me whilst I was away!).  Eager much?

I sent my ever-patient husband a text today.  I told him I wouldn't be censoring my thoughts anymore.  He is FAR from concerned, I think he's revelling in it.  I'm breathing again.

So - I guess you could say this is my first ever "Book Review"?  Ummmm........just get it!  I guarantee it will open your eyes!

Do YOU read?  Do you take the time to catch your breath?


  1. I've read a couple of things about this book and I haven't heard anything bad about it. I might just have to buy it - and carry it home in a brown paper bag.

    1. Hahhaha.......yes, i think a lot of people would like to carry it in a brown paper bag! I put a call out to my friends on Facebook to borrow a copy last week and the first comment was that I was a "Saucy minx"!!! And I must admit, I did look around me when pulling the book out to read! lol

  2. Wow, you were brave, pulling that out on a plane! I've heard lots of great things about those books. Must check it out.

    1. Brave or stupid!!?? lol. I was VERY careful and watching who was watching me lol

  3. I think I'll have to give this book a go myself! I've heard both good and bad reviews. It sounds like it's done you the world of good though:)

  4. I love that you are happy and had a chance to be you . I may need to read this book !!!!!!

  5. I've been feeling the same recently, not due to a book, but due to finally making a decision I had been putting off for a while, and simplifying my life. I know exactly what you mean by time to breathe, it makes a world of difference :)

    1. That's great! Long and hard decisions are usually the most important :)


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