
Thursday, September 20, 2012

On A Brighter Note....

I like to take photos on my iPhone.   In fact, some days I wonder what the hell we all did before we had cameras on our phones?  Anyway, it's great to be able to look back through your photos and see what the past few weeks have brought.....

I took this photo because I wonder if anyone actually makes stroganoff from scratch - you know, without a packet mix?

Something super yummy I whipped up for our staff meeting!  A pumpkin and spinach frittata - Yummo!

Wouldn't it be great to be able to sleep so well, so uncomfortably?

Chloe has discovered the little garden area down the side of the house...

And the following day claimed it as her fairy garden.....

This photo was sent to me by Andrew.....Cadyn out with his Dad, Uncles and Pop at the pub before the footy.  DISCLAIMER - the cider was NOT drunk by him!

One of the easiest but most effective birthday cakes I have ever made!

What to do with a 13 year old's day off school?  Send them out to rip out a garden...

My very exciting purchase...
The new baby!  Which I still have to learn to use to its full potential...

New range of handmade goodness at Ms Midge

What to do whilst waiting for stitches in emergency?  Dance!

And watch dvd's...
All glued up and ready to go home!

A divine custom order - made on the new machine !

The "after" shot of the garden bed above.

Who else whips out their phone at random opportunities?  And are you surprised sometimes by what you have captured?


  1. I have only just started using my phone camera for the random funny that happens by in life - like the shot I didn't quite get of the nine ~yes, count them *NINE*~ traffic light repair/maintenance dudes who were milling about at a major intersection in the Newcastle area on Tuesday of this week...note that one was up on the traffic light and another was holding the ladder steady. So what were the other seven doing? *ROFLMAO*

    And then there is the name of the creek that runs beside the 'big school' that my daughter will be attending next year...
    I just hope I don't have to pay the ferry man any time soon!
    (NB - further along it's course, this creek runs along one of the boundaries of my workplace...~cue spooky music~)

    BTW - In reference to the stroganoff-from-scratch now know at least one person who makes it from scratch. Drop by some time, I'll whip you up a batch, it's delish! And easy!

  2. Oh - and I forgot to mention....that we have those bandaids at our house! They are cool!


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