
Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 5 - Otherwise known as "hitting the wall"....

Day 5 of the Kids Week Challenge, and I'm feeling very very challenged.  After a few nights of terrible  sleep tossing and turning, coughing and spluttering, I've officially hit the wall.  But of course, I went to work today because I'm a martyr an idiot.  Finally convinced myself an hour ago that I really shouldn't go to work Saturday and Sunday because A) I can't swallow and am living on eye drops every two hours AND B) I don't want to be responsible for passing this crappola lurgy on to the residents I care for - that wouldn't be very caring.  So, it's a weekend off work for me, but not in a fabulous cheer out loud kind of way....

Back to Kids Week........  I seriously cannot do much after about 6pm with my dodgy eyes, so all I've managed this evening is to cut out a whole heap of fabric shapes to applique on to the pyjama tops, to match the bottoms I made earlier in the week.  It's a terribly crappy photo, but I can't even make up a good reason why - I just grabbed my phone and took it!

I also turned around from the table to find this lovely pile of fabric staring at me waiting for the final FIVE outfits I have earmarked for Market Night on Thursday.  Hopefully my eyes will appreciate a rest over the weekend and will allow me to sew in time!

And just to brighten my mood......when I arrived home tonight with the girls after work (yep, daylight savings is here, which means it's still daylight til late) we were greeted by two gorgeous ducks!  They were snacking on something in the gutter when I pulled up, and then as we were walking to the house they decided to follow us.  Sooooo cute!  Another bonus to living so close to a beautiful park with a lake!

That's it for tonight.  I hope you all have a lovely weekend.  
What do you have planned??

1 comment:

  1. Oh Hun... sorry to hear your feeling blah at the moment :( Hope a restful weekend will sort things out for you.
    How cute that those ducks were waddling after you guys, they must be getting pretty tame to do that! There is a lake at the back of the houses across the road from me & Hannah loves going over there to say hello, but they are a bit more wary of us.

    Cass x


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