
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Stash Debut

Today I'm doing something NEW and joining in on Sunday Stash at Finding Fifth - which is actually being hosted by my friend Gemma at Pretty Bobbins this week!  Often I forget what I have sitting on my fabric shelves, even though I look at them each and every day - so it was good this afternoon to REALLY look at it and find some goodies, and think about what on earth I am going to do with them.

I bought these Verona prints early this year with the intention of making something lovely for my girls.  Forgot it was there!  I have a bit of a thing for greys....

This is Cocoon by Valori Wells.  I fell in love with it and HAD to have it.  I am yet to find the patterns I want to use to make a little collection of dresses.  It's been on the shelf for quite a few months now.

Serenade by Kate Spain.  These prints were bought with a big order of something, and I needed to top up my package to make the most of shipping!  My youngest daughter LOVES purple, so it was bought for her.  I have no idea what I will do with it yet!

I bought all of the above three from the lovely Jewel over at The Intrepid Thread.  She is a wonderful fabric store, and will bend over backwards to help me out when I'm floundering over fabric choices.  So if you're looking for a fabulous fabric store - head over and tell her I sent you!

I believe these prints are all from the Nest range by Valori Wells.  I bought these from a seller on a Facebook marketplace.  Impulse buy, basically because I LOVE Valori Wells.  All sorts of lengths and widths here, and again, no idea what i will ever do with them!

So there you have it!  A very small section of what is sitting on my shelves.

Do you collect fabric?  And then forget you have it?


  1. Oh, I'm so tempted by Cocoon! So pretty! Valori Wells is such a great designer, are these linen blends? Looks like you need more sewing time :) thanks or linking up xx

  2. Ooo you have fabrics I have never actually seen before. That s what I love about Sunday Stash. Your first 2 bundles are total eye candy and I have a bit of a Thang for grey too. Lovely to have you join in today. Come back again next Sunday. I would like to see what else you have on your shelf.

  3. Ah, the pretties. Must. Buy. All The Pretties! What a lovely collection!

  4. I collect vintage fabric... it's starting to get that way that I forget about certain ones that are hiding in the back of the shelf.
    I love those Cocoon prints! Can't wait to see what you eventually make with them :)


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