
Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Door

I'm sure that tantalising title just made you rush right here to read?  Thought so!

Yep, this door.  Our toilet door.  After living in this house for three and a half months - we finally got our new toilet door hung today!  In the scheme of things, I know it's no big deal.  But we had every single door replaced in this house before we moved in, all except this one.  This very special door was also apparently a huge pain in the ass.  It was measured and ordered multiple times before the correct size was finally delivered.  And then we waited patiently frustratingly another few weeks to have it hung.  Which was Monday just past.  After a couple of hours of banging, drilling and getting high on the smell of putty, the builder came to declare he was finished.  But instead asked us to come and see why - in his words - he is a dickhead.  He'd hung the door on the opposite side of the door jam - and right on finishing hanging and beginning the painting,  discovered it was on THE WRONG SIDE.  Which just happened to cover the light switch......

Fast forward to this morning when it was correctly hung, painted and left in peace for the day.  Joy!

You may remember my post months ago when I announced we had bought our first house?  Well, the last few months have been met with much excitement, frustration, phone calls, money and tradesmen.  And we're nearly there!  We've I've finished decorating a few of the rooms, so thought I would share......

The all important laundry.  Somewhere I spend way too much time.  I just bought those drawer thingies from Ikea to see me through until I decide on what sort of cabinetry I need in there to solve my throwing things around in a tanty......

Kid's bathroom.  Boring but functional!

Chelsea's bedroom!  I love love love her room - and so does she!  I made her rag quilt and am pleased to say she uses it all the time.  I also made her cushion and put together those painful pom poms hanging from her ceiling!

And I covered a cork board for her to use to hang her crap on - but I need to get longer thumb tacs to use!

Terrible lighting = shit photos.  But this is our front lounge room.  The mirror was bought to hang in our bedroom, but was too damn big for where I wanted it.  I'm glad it was because I love it on that wall!  My other favourite thing is the big turquoise cushion - I bought it from Ishka and Andrew is not a fan.  Which makes me love it even more!  You can't see in this photo, but to the right is a gorgeous big bright red floral print canvas!  Yet another of Andrew's favourites.......

I picked this heavy timber sign/hanging up from one of those daily deal email things that pop up - it was $26!!!  It hangs in our back living room - which is currently doubling as my laundromat so did not get featured in tonight's post!
We still have a long way to go.  Next week, we are hoping to get our new driveway done - weather permitting.  The staircase has been sanded and under-coated and is awaiting its gloss (which will take weeks of painstakingly tedious work) and the deck and backyard are yet to be completely sorted.  But all good things come to those who wait - so I'll try and be patient!

And on a completely different note - my Out To Sea Market Night went relatively well last week!  I declared I would donate 10% of the night's sales to Foundation 18 - so I'm chipping in $35!  Doesn't sound like a huge amount, but every little bit helps.  If you're feeling charitable - pop over and chip in a few dollars for their fabulous funding for the kids of Indonesia.

Is your home a work in progress?  Do you have a toilet door?

1 comment:

  1. I love what you've done so far! We only just recently bought a new place, and have a few plans, so it's nice to see someone getting things done. The results look great so far!


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