
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Saturday Bloggers Boogie - The Live Edition

Little White Dove

Three more sleeps until I take my biggest boy off to his first ever concert!  He turns 14 on Tuesday, and I bought tickets months ago to see Coldplay.  He still has no idea what we are doing - I've spun a tale about taking him out for dinner because Chelsea and Cadyn both has basketball training -he's bought it so far!

So in light of this momentous occasion, I thought I would share some songs from a few of the fabulous concerts I have been to!  I've just been racking my brain trying to remember ALL of the live shows I've seen, and have been surprised (and a little embarrassed) by some I had forgotten about!  I'm going to attempt to give them one to two word ratings/descriptions......

Wa Wa Nee - Keyboard Guitar
Noiseworks - Sweaty
Prince - Amaze-balls
The Cure - 90's Emo
Janet Jackson - Pre-boob-gate
U2 - Unreal
Michael Jackson - Shit sound
Chocolate Starfish - Pub Greatness
Alex Lloyd - Man-can-sing
Joe Cocker - Soul Man
John Farnham - Mum-loved-it
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Mad Hatters
Robbie Williams - NomNomNom
Kylie - Fabulouso
Whitney Houston - Disappointing
Beyonce - Crazy Good
Powderfinger - Awesome
John Williamson - Surprisingly Enjoyable

And here's my top five picks!

This is the only artist I've seen TWICE - nuff said.

Saw them at Waverley Park before they stopped using it for footy games.  Amazing.

Spent a Day on The Green with my parents and in-laws drinking vino and listening to this great man's talent.  Fab day!

This woman was AMAZING in concert!  How she manages to sing, dance and not have a wardrobe malfunction is beyond me!

Watched this unreal Aussie band in a freezing cold, mud pit tent up in the country for their farewell tour!  Although I left with frostbite, it was worth it!

So there you go - that's who I've seen live - how about you?

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