
Friday, December 21, 2012

Chevron Love

When I first spotted chevron patterns I fell in love.  I bought yards and yards of rainbow chevron, I have a yard of navy blue and white hidden away, and when I put a bundle of fabric together for Cadyn's quilt, I knew I wanted some chevrons in there too.  I had no plans to make them a "feature" of his quilt, but I guess it just organically went that way!  I finished this baby last Saturday, and have been holding off showing the final results until today, which has been very difficult!  To say I am thrilled with the end result would be a huge understatement.  I don't think I have ever been so satisfied from a project - ever. 

So, here it is, my Chevron Love quilt!

This quilt has given me a new love also - for my walking foot.  For those non-sewers out there, a walking foot would have to be a quilter's best friend?  The fact that I could quilt this together with no trouble at al, no shifting of layers is a sheer miracle!  Sewing will never be the same....

The best part about this quilt?  My eight year old, hard-to-please son LOVES it!  I was trying desperately not to show it to him until Christmas, but Melbourne's weather stepped in and got all Darwin on us.  So I could not sew for a few days and when the temperature finally dropped it was a Saturday, and he was home.  But he kept me enthused with his passing comments in between cricket commentary.....bless.

I also finished a bunch of other goodies this week, and LITERALLY have NOTHING left to sew for 2012!  Oh, except for Chloe's dress that has been on my sewing room floor for about two months......must get on to that.

I'm linking up with Thank Goodness it's Finished Friday!  What have you finished this week?


  1. Cool! I like your fabric/color combo.

  2. Excellent job Melissa! It is totally understandable why you feel so satisfied with your finished product and why your son is so excited about it. It is just lovely. Great work!

  3. Hi Melissa. This quilt is fantastic - I can see why you would be so thrilled. I love colours with white - they seem so much more vibrant. I am in Ballarat and thankfully the weather is cool today (I passionately dislike summer!!) but sunday is meant to be a scorcher. Thanks for linking up on my blog today. Cheers, Karen

  4. Woohoo! Way to go. :D *Love* that back and binding.

  5. It is a gorgeous quilt!! I adore all the fabrics and the binding you chose is just so perfect!


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