
Friday, December 7, 2012

Tired T.G.I.F.F.

This week hosted by Quokka Quilts!

So this is going to be a rather rushed and badly photographed post!  Basically because we not long got home from another version of TGIFF (Thank God it's finished Christmas Concert - TGIFCC).  Here's what I've been up to this week, amongst other things.  Lots of "firsts".

I bought this pattern for an ipad sleeve from Pattern Patti.  Super duper easy, but I changed it up a little by using some gorgeous Flora scraps and doing a little bit of simple quilting.  Another Christmas present ticked off the list!

Yesterday afternoon, I decided I NEEDED to make a zippered pouch.  I then wasted used my time wisely, and searched for way too long and came up with this little number.  It's Noodlehead's Wide Open Pouch.  And this is quite obviously the first I have made, and I have quite obviously not mastered it!  And whilst taking the photo I realised I have also sewn the fabric upside down on this side! Whoops!  Anyway - onwards and upwards - I have found a different zippered pouch tutorial I'm going to give a red hot crack over the weekend!  My daughter is more than happy to have this one....

This little piece of divine is the first clutch I have ever made!  It's the Aggie Wristlet Clutch, and I bought the pattern for $5 on Black Friday.  Whilst this is far from a fail, and will be given as a gift, I need to make more to perfect my technique!
And on the business side of things - I've "perfected" a vision in my head by merging two patterns and coming up with this beauty!!  LOVE making them and am wrapt to have had two orders already!  Perfect Summer dress.

Ok, Must. Go. To. Bed.

What you been up to sewing-wise this week??


  1. I'm loving the dress and the clutch best of all. I haven't been sewing in ages:) I do miss it.

  2. That clutch is really great and I love how the bird turned out!! The dress is very cute too! I am working on things for Christmas!


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