
Thursday, December 13, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday.....on a Thursday!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I'm a little late on the W.I.P. post this week!  Had a shit of a day yesterday and basically just willing this last couple of weeks of 2012 to finish swiftly.  I'm also hoping that this little baby of mine will be finished fairly swiftly too!
I've continued work on my son's quilt, and I must say, I am so very pleased with how it is turning out.  I am literally winging it, so had no plan as such to how it would end up looking.  
(Please excuse the photos - it's a 35 Degree day here, so all the blinds are shut!)

I spent Sunday afternoon on my hands and knees on the tiled floor basting it all together with quilting pins.  Hard work!

This is how the back turned out.  I used lots of the already cut out pieces that I did not use for the front.  And quite a few off-cuts.  I popped in to Lincraft and grabbed the grey Homespun, but really didn't know what I would do with it.  I just knew I didn't want the back to be all white.  I'm really, really happy with it.

Close up of the pieced back.

And two days ago, this little yard of fabric arrived, ready for binding.  I had to search for this print, and found it on Etsy, through a seller I hadn't used before.  They were very quick in processing my order and shipping it!

The other purchase I made this week was this:

Yep, a walking foot for my Bernina!  It's still sitting in the box like this.  I'm going to be very brave and attempt to use it this weekend!!!  I bought it from the same shop I bought my machine - Easysew in Hobart, Tasmania.  They have 20% off Bernina feet until the end of December.  Lovely people to deal with!

So that's it.  All the other sewing I did this week is finished.  I'm on the home run with orders - only one appliqued tee and one pair of shorts left and I'M DONE!!!

What's everyone else been working on this week?

1 comment:

  1. So looking forward to having the time and the confidence to trying my hand at quilting one day. Your son's quilt just looks great! Enjoy your new purchases too!


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