
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Happy 300 To Me! Giveaway Anyone?

Whilst logging in to Blogger the other day, I noted that my posts tally was sitting pretty on 299!  And I thought "Holy moly!  I've sat in front of this computer and tapped on this keyboard 299 times, and shared it with the world!?"  I then got to thinking of how I could celebrate this milestone?  And was honestly still stuck, until just now.....

Give away??

I've gone through my own personal stash of fabrics, and pulled out two of my favourite collections!  There's a Fat Quarter set of Flora by Lauren & Jessi Jung and Peacock Lane by Michael Miller up for grabs!  And I've also got a custom spot for a Retro Circle Brontee dress in any size from 1 to 10!

So Thank YOU for reading my drivel, and for giving me such great feedback all the time!  You may have noticed there's more of a mix of drivel and quilting/sewing these days.  I've well and truly caught that quilting bug, and it's clearly seeping in to my Blog world!  I hope you're all enjoying the quilting equally as much as the drivel.......

Just follow the Rafflecopter Directions!

Giveaway ends midnight 30/1/13.


  1. I read your blog because your funny! hehe. You are awesome :)

  2. I read your blog because you're just like me! A mum, a wife, a sewer (seamstress? sewing person?) and a juggler of everything that goes along with those jobs :)

  3. your drivel is very amusing I love your blogs and I like sewing that other people do cause I wish I was that creative

  4. I'm new to your blog but it looks awesome!! I'm off to get a coke, sit down here and enjoy reading :)

  5. Hi,
    found you from the TSL site!

  6. Same here read your post on the TSL site. Great giveaway you have here!

  7. I read your blog because i love sewing

  8. I enjoy reading your blog because your posts are interesting and amusing!

  9. I've just found your blog from TSL :) We both are doing the QCA bee#5.

  10. Hi, I found your blog from your post on TSL :-)

  11. I have only just found your blog but I already love it. I can't wait to see your finished quilt. I don't think I have the patience for quilting (or the straight line sewing skills haha).

    1. Welcome Jo! I can't wait to see the kissing fish quilt finished too! Patience is definitely a virtue in this particular case!

  12. Love your work and seeing the amazing outfits you create! Congrats on writing 300 posts - well done you!

  13. I read your blog because you are creative and inspirational! Full of awesome ideas!

  14. I read your blog because you're awesome and you write funny stuff, interesting stuff, creative stuff and I love reading it all :)

  15. I also found you post from the Tsl :) love your quilts and your sewing you make me laugh keep up the great work
    Happy Australia Day

  16. Congrats on reaching 300 posts. Your blog is always fun to read :)

  17. I always like to read your posts whether about sewing or just life in general.

  18. Congrats on reaching your 300th post! I only just discovered your blog but I love getting inspiration from sewing and quilting blogs!

  19. congrats. and thanks for the giveaway

  20. I read your blog, just because you are fabulous!

  21. I just found you and your blog, so will enjoy reading it if these comments are anything to go by!! <3 - Nita

  22. Dear Ms Midge I read your blog because I appreciate your honesty, your energy, your love of learning - all that and a busy Mum too. I enjoy your writing style and the variety of content in your posts. Congrats on the big 300 and thanks for the give away!


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment - I read each and every one of them! xx