
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Stash

It's been a while since I've done a Sunday Stash - well, I've only done one!  So I'm linking up with Hot Pink Quilts who are hosting today!

Sunday Stash @ Finding Fifth
I haven't bought a big bulky order of fabric for a while now, much to my husband's delight!  But I have been purchasing bits and pieces here and there.  This week I popped in to Lincraft (they were 50% off!!) and grabbed a few prints for a baby quilt I am making.

I can honestly say I've never bought pastels before, but my beautiful friend who is expecting the baby is using the same palette in her nursery.  And butterflies.  So I found the butterfly/dragonfly print and went from there.  Got the little yellow love hearts, tiny pink floral and green from Lincraft.  Then came home and shuffled through my fabric stash (also managed a huge tidy up!) and found the yummy purple print which had been sitting on the shelf for far too long!  The gorgeous pink ribbon print I bought a few yards of on a whim months ago.  I think I'm going to use it as the backing?

So, this is my latest project.  I chose a pattern yesterday, and got it all cut out.  Hundreds of HST's coming my way!


  1. I love the dragonfly/butterfly print! And that pink ribbon print definitely caught my eye. It looks super fun!

    Good luck with your HSTs, and thanks for linking up! :)

  2. Hey, check out my butterfly sparkly print on my Sunday Stash edition! It might be from the same fabric collection! How funny that we coincided like that, hehe.

  3. Great fabrics! I love that pink ribbon print.

    Oh HSTs. Such a love/hate relatinship. Love how they look, hate trimming them up!


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