
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

W.I.P. Wednesday #7

My darling children went back to school today!  And Chloe was at creche.  I took the day off work being their first day back and all - so what do you know?  I had the WHOLE day free for uninterrupted sewing! I laid out Chloe's quilt last night, ready to baste this morning, and by 10am - I got cracking!  This quilt is actually much bigger than I had remembered, so I started having a little panic about how the hell I was going to quilt it?  I put some tunes on, and got my pinning on, in an attempt to put the quilting to the back of my mind.  Failed.  Only managed to stab myself once, but got a drop of blood on the quilt!  Suggestions as to how I get that off would be most appreciated.  I had heard of putting your own saliva on it to remove it - but that did not work for me!

About three quarters of the way pinned, and I ran out of pins.  So I jumped in the car and went to TWO local quilting stores - the first one was sold out of pins AND quilting gloves, which I've had recommended to me to use.  But I must put in a mention to this little store - Lilly Patches.  The lady who runs it is just lovely, and we had a great chat - particularly about the vast variety of Aboriginal fabric she stocks, that is traditionally painted, and then made in to fabric in Collingwood, here in Victoria.  So if you're ever in Boronia - pop in there!

I digress.  I headed to the next store to find they had the pins but no gloves.  So off to Coles I went.  Got me some gardening gloves!

The best $4 I've ever spent!
Once home, I asked for some advice in my quilting group, as to how I should quilt this baby?  I ended up going with a meandering pattern - basically just winging it!  Five hours later and I must say - I'm extremely happy with how it turned out!

The back is a lovely light grey.

The gorgeous front!

Close-up squiggles.

Now I just have to find the binding fabric and finish it off!  I've followed THIS tutorial over at Samelia's Mum's Blog.

And the other W.I.P. that I think will be featured for the next few weeks is the Kissing Fish Quilt.  I'm getting somewhere fast slowly on the HST's.......66 down - 44 to go!  Definitely a marathon opposed to a sprint this one!

That's it!  

I'm linking up......

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

PS. The GIVEAWAY winners were announced this morning - in case you missed it!  Thanks again to everyone for entering!


  1. Aw man, so jealous!! I am busting to try FMQ!!

  2. The best way to remove blood from fabric is to use saliva. Idealy, it should be saliva from the person whose blood it is. I really like Ansell hi-flex gloves for quilting. You can get them from the supermarket in the cleaning aisle. I think they are about $6-$7 and they are much better than the crappy quilting gloves that I bought from Spotlight for $10.

    I love your quilt. I bet you can't wait to get it finished and on to Chloe's bed.

  3. That sounds like a heavenly day! For someone new to quilting you sure haven't made any stinkers. This quilt is gorgeous and I loved the quilting blocks quilt you made for your son.

  4. I use the same gloves! :) Love your quilt! :) It's so bright and cheerful.


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