
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Stash #5 - An Auction "Win"!

This week's Sunday Stash is brought to you by "I had to have it" and "A win you have to pay for is still a win"!

A few weeks ago I stumbled across a charity auction page on FB called From The Heart Auctions.  It's a U.S. based page, and the auction they were running at the time was for the families of Newtown.  There were some absolutely amazing goods up for auction, including beautiful handmade quilts by Lee at Freshly Pieced!  And it was also where I first noticed the Joel Dewberry fabrics that I later bought somewhere else!!

Anyway, I found this lovely set of two charm square packs and a pack of Kona charms too.  And I won them!  I have no idea what I am going to make (apart from a quilt!) or who it will be for, but got them anyway!

Some JP arrived this week
JP in the house!

And miraculously - that is the only fabric that has entered this house in the past week!  The same can not be said for the next couple of weeks, with what can only be explained as "the mother load" of stashes coming my way........Stay tuned!

I'm linking up with Sunday Stash at Finding Fifth!

And for those who have not popped in to my blog this week - I will share this one last time!  The Sew Fab e-Pattern bundle is only available for another 24 hours!  You can read about it and BUY IT HERE!  Thank you to everyone who has already grabbed themselves a bundle!


  1. Congrats on the win!! I love the JP prints - so bright and colorful. Those darn international shipping costs, but I suppose they can't be avoided. I am looking forward to seeing your mother lode!!

  2. I love hearing about new auctions for charity events but I missed this one. Charm packs are such a nifty idea to get a feel for a line. Enjoy opening these.


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