
Friday, February 15, 2013

T.G.I.F.F #6 - Chloe's Good Fortune Quilt

I set myself a goal of finishing Chloe's Good Fortune quilt Thursday - and by 11am it was done and dusted!  Admittedly, it only had the binding left to do, but I was so happy to have it finished.  Not half as happy as the little girl waiting outside my sewing room door!

Here it is - the biggest quilt I have made to date!

Good Fortune finished!
It had only just poured with rain, so I had to be careful at which angles I took the photos!  This is obviously in full sun, but I love that you can see the FMQ detail.  For those interested, I followed Samelia's Mum's tutorial HERE.  It was VERY easy to follow!  I used a layer cake of Kate Spain's Good Fortune, and white Homespun for the top, and a lighter shade of grey Homespun for the back.
In the shadows shot!
And in the shadows.  I'm SOOOOO happy with how straight it all looks!  Well, from this far away anyway!
Love purple binding!
The bright purple binding works beautifully.  So thank you to everyone who gave me their opinion a while back!
Love <3
I can't get enough of all the different colours in this range.
Very happy girl!
And my very happy little four year old, who promptly wrapped herself up in her quilt and told me it was the most beautiful quilt ever!  A little bit after taking this photo, I brought out some fabrics to photograph that I'd just received in the mail.  Chloe quipped "they won't be as beautiful as mine Mummy".  Bless.

I'm linking up with T.G.I.F.F. over at
Sewing by Moonlight today!


  1. Oh, isn't she sweet. It makes it so much more rewarding when those little ones we love appreciate the project as well. And really, what's not to love? Gorgeous fabric choices, and the quilt turned out great!

  2. Sew sweet! Congratulations on a well loved finish!

  3. Ha Ha, glad she knows what she likes! This is so sweet, I love that color range, too!

  4. Everytime I see Good Fortune it appeals to me more and more. I have only a small scrap bag of a few fabrics. I love this quilt for your little girl. Well done on a fantastic finish.


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