
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

W.I.P. Wednesday #8

I'm very pleased to bring you this W.I.P.!  Basically because I was getting to the point where I thought I would never get it going, let alone finish it in time - Yes, I have a deadline as it's a gift!

But here it is......


This has been the basis of the HST hell I have been sinking in over the past month or so.  But I really got stuck in to in yesterday, and manged to get it all pieced together AND basted - late last night!  Once again, my mathematics, or lack thereof, played a part in how the layout ended up!  Although I managed to get hundreds of HST's done, I had too many colour based ones, and not enough white.  BUT I managed to compromise and cut out a couple of big blue butterfly squares, and then whacked together the pink and yellow fishies to come up with some solid blocks.  I was VERY pleased with myself!

So - the plan is this - tomorrow whilst my youngest is at kinda for 2.5 hours, I will be quilting myself silly, and then hopefully she will allow me the pleasure of binding it later in the afternoon!

Stay tuned!

And just in case you missed my post from the other day, I have teamed up with Patterns Only to bring you the Sew Fab e-Pattern Bundle!  18 PDF patterns for only $24.95!  Honestly, you have to go and have a look to see for yourself, the array of patterns is beautiful and the value is outstanding!  I'm planning on making the Commuter Cowl in time for a present on Saturday!  Wish me luck!  You can read all about it and buy the pattern bundle through THIS POST HERE!

What are you all working on this week??

I'm linking up with:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Lovely quilt - you're very brave tackling all those HSTs!!

  2. Cute fishies! I love the look of HSTs, but the trimming drives me mental. Glad you got out of HST Hell - good luck for getting this one quilted tomorrow!

  3. Looks wonderful! It is going to make a wonderful gift! Good luck with the finish!

  4. It is beautiful! I love the colors. I am glad you finished it.

  5. Your triangles look great! I did a Builder's Quilt Along that had so many HST that I've decided I don't like doing least not for right now. Ha!

  6. Beautiful! You must be so proud of this one! Lots of HSTs make me nervous!


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