
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday Stash #8 - Some Stuff I Forgot To Show You!

I can't believe I forgot to share these sweet fat quarters bundles with you when I bought them quite a few weeks ago!  They are from the "On The Pond" range by Sarah Fielke.  And the colours are amaze-balls!  Much better than this photo anyway!  I also bought the two little Fat Flats the same day - just because.

Sarah Fielke flat fats bundles
Sarah Fielke's On The Pond
Pretty little flat fats!
Cute "Flat Fats" AKA Fat Quarters
Just picked these pretties up from my LQS.... $2 per FQ!
Bargain!!  $2 fat quarters from my LQS.  Some of them are from the same Melly & Me range "Where The Wind Blows" that I bought a month or so ago, and the same range I'm giving away in the BLOG HOP!
First Dresden!
Remember my first dresden from HERE?  It's made from that beautiful fat quarter pack of On The Pond.  I pulled it out yesterday and started making it in to a quilt.
My first flying geese!
And made my first ever "flying geese".  There's another 20 something geese where these came from!  But you will have to wait until Wednesday to see how far I've got with my "flying by the seat of my pants" effort!

I'm linking up with Sunday Stash!


  1. Such pretty colours! Your Dresden looks lovely in them!

  2. I haven't made a flying goose (?) yet either! It's like, how have I lasted this long without doing so? I probably just need to make some random one to just say I've done it. I love the blue and magenta pinwheels fabric--it would make a great quilt back, or pieced quilt back. So would that green and white honeycomb, sweet as!

  3. I loooooove the On the Pond stuff and keep fondling it whenever I'm in Spotlight... but I can't bring myself to pay $19.95/m for it. I'm hoping it ends up around the $8/m mark like the DS stuff did, then I can stock up. ;)

  4. I have not seen this range in person yet so thanks for posting some pics. Glad to see you putting it to use in a new project.

  5. Beautiful colors. I love this "on the Pond". I'll have to see if my local quilt shop carries it!


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