
Friday, March 15, 2013

T.G.I.F.F. - Just In The Nick Of Time!

Ever since becoming a shift worker, almost 17 years ago, I have relied upon my trusty diary to tell me where I should be and what I should be doing.  It has also been a saving grace as our family expanded, again, and again, and again!  But as my dear iPhone and iMac entered my life, a new member of the family has been welcomed - iCal.  My poor paper diary is a little neglected these days, as I find myself tapping reminders, appointments and birthdays in to my trusty phone.  And setting the alarms so I never forget anything!  Why am I telling you this?  Well, because I have a few very special little people in my life, outside of my immediate family.  And a certain young lady is having a birthday next week, and thank the lord I put a reminder in my calendar to make her something this week!

You may remember me bitching and moaning, and literally melting my way through the last couple of weeks?  Thankfully some cooler weather has fallen on us, so I have been able to return to my little sweat shop to whip this little baby up!

I stood in front of the Flying Geese block for about an hour before deciding which direction to take.  It needed to be bigger in size, so I just added an inch of the purple/green Terrain print, then another two inches of black before getting to the quilting!
Used #aurifil 2605 Beautiful silver!
And then I ummmed and ahhhhed about how to quilt it?  And which colour thread to use?  I cracked open another spool of Aurifil, this time the colour is #2605 - a gorgeous silver/grey.  I am slowly but surely falling in love with these threads, as I had been assured I would!  I never understood how thread could be such a big deal, but it really is so shimmery and lovely - and my trusty Bernina REALLY likes it!
The back.... And yes the cushion insert is a tad too big!
The receiver of this gift has a penchant for purple, but I didn't have long nor wide enough amounts of purple Terrain left, so I went with the orange.  Which actually works beautifully with the print I purchased for the backing.  I LOVE all the wonderful statements on this print, and think it is just perfect for a 15 year old girl.  I haven't had time to get the right size cushion insert, so stole this out of one sitting on my lounge!  Just a tad "fat".
That's the skinny version!
And here it is empty.  Why can't fabric manufacturers print straight!?!?!?!

So that is basically all that I have managed to finish this week.  But I have BIG plans for this coming week!  Fingers crossed the weather plays along.

I'm linking up with T.G.I.F.F. over at

Dreaming In Patchwork!


  1. Beautiful pillow.... I love the front and the back... Great job and she will LOVE it!

  2. Oh it's gorgeous! Beautiful circle of geese!

  3. Oh I LOVE it!! I mean Kate Spain, how could I not?! I really like your border solution - very dramatic.

  4. Beautiful, great use of Terrain!

  5. I love this - front and back! Although I agree it's so annoying to get fabric that's not printed straight.

  6. I love this pattern, I've made one myself and it's always great seeing the different colours used and the effects of those different colours - I love the colours you've used.

  7. So cute - she's going to love it.


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