
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

W.I.P. Wednesday #14

A nice quick post from me today!  I've been flat out again, and just returned home after three hours out to find I'd left the sandwich toaster turned on.....oops!  Luckily the house is still standing.

Here is some progress on my flying by the seat of my pants quilt.  When I showed my husband the other day as I was adding rows, he asked me what it was?  I told him it was a bucket.  Clearly.  I think what he meant was, why am I making it?  Or who for, for that matter?  I'm making this because I can.  Because I love the fabric, and I'm learning some new techniques along the way.  One thing I am also learning is that my mathematical skills, or lack thereof, are not the best for making up a quilt layout!  But I'm getting there!

Apologies for the folds - but I just got it back out of my shelves and wasn't turning the iron on in 35 degrees heat!

What started as a simple little old dresden, is becoming what I think is a very beautiful potential quilt.

I was most annoyed when I got this back out to work on and realised that the "white" fabric I had chosen to use in this project, is actually more of a cream colour.  But - I wasn't going to start all over again - so upwards and onwards!

I am most impressed and in love with my little lines of geese!
I took it out in to the sunshine to photograph, but these photos really still do not give the colours of this Sarah Fielke fabric range any justice!  They are divine.

And that's it my friends!  I did start another project, but actually finished it this morning, so you shall have to wait until Friday to see it!

I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced!

 WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Don't husbands ask the darndest things?

    Is that another pillow? - Why, yes, don't be afeard, it's not for our sofa. The next one is.

    Do we need another quilt? - Yes, absolutely yes.

    Do you need to buy more fabric? - Duh...

    Your top is coming together nicely. Couldn't tell about that alleged lack in mathematical skills. :)

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! I haven't been all that excited about on the pond until I saw this - now I'm hoping my local spotlight might have some left :o)

  3. This quilt is going to be beautiful! You are so talented at coming up with designs for your quilts!

  4. That looks great. I love dresden plates so much.

  5. I am in big love with your geese, and think the colour scheme is beautiful, light but interesting. Can't wait to see where this goes!

  6. I really like your dresden plate start--how big do you plan to make it or will you just stop when it feels finished? Great start, and I look forward to watching its growth.

  7. I love this! It's very beautiful cant wait to see more

  8. What a wonderful top. I like all the detail and you made great color choices!!!

  9. Very pretty. Love your fabrics

  10. Really pretty quilt - I love the fabric and the design!


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