
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Ever Wonder Why You Don't Get Replies To Your Comments? THIS is why!

A quick Saturday morning post.  One question.....

simply square button

I'm asking you because yesterday I posted a fabulous fabric giveaway from The Intrepid Thread, and when I woke up this morning there were over 130 comments/entries!  Which of course, is very exciting.  What is not very exciting is seeing there are quite a number of you who are "no-reply bloggers".  Some of you accept that and are happy with that setting, and leave me your email address to reply in case you are the winner.  However, I do believe quite a number of you do not know that you are a no-reply blogger and have probably wondered why you don't receive replies to your comments on blogs and giveaways?  Well, this my friends is why!

If you click on that big red button above, it will lead you to a lovely blog called Pleasant Home.  The lovely lady who resides over there has given you a tutorial to follow to undo this!  If you click on the button it will lead you there!

As someone who never ever used to enter giveaways, but has let loose with wild abandonment and find herself commenting left, right and centre on all things everywhere - I must say - it is paying off!  I usually NEVER win anything.  True.  BUT - the tides they are a changing.  I have won a number of giveaways over the last couple of months, and am so excited.  I would hate for any of you to think you aren't winning because of bad luck, when in fact, it's just because the giveaway givers can't actually contact you!

So, go on.  Go make yourself contactable!!!!  GO!

ps.  I usually DO reply to all contactable comments on my blog.  However, with the number of comments on giveaway posts, I have to surrender and look like i'm rude!  Please know I do read ALL of your comments!!!! xxxx


  1. Just checked and I am good to go ;)

  2. i have a friend who blogs on a Wordpress platform and it was driving us crazy that she always comes up a no reply blogger on my blog despite her doing the tutes to undo the no reply. I found this: Sometimes it is not possible to undo the no reply status because Google doesn't communicate with other platforms :(

    1. This says it all; thanks for posting. Especially the part about why I wouldn't want a fake blog with blogger in order to become automatic 'reply.' I too prefer the dialog that occurs when my blog posts are clicked; and I click blog addresses for comments to my blog and browse, sometimes follow. Talk to Google. Even if they are not the listening type, pile up the comments.

  3. I had this problem some time ago and I read a blog post that shared what you did - fixed my no-reply problem.... Lo and behold - won three giveaways!

    Thanks for spreading the good news and correct instructions

  4. Thanks for sharing this Midge. As a relative newby to blogging (I had beenr eading them, but now have my own) I had always assumed that I could be contacted until a couple of weeks ago. All fixed now.

  5. I am new to all this. I checked and think I have it correct now so my email address show. Please let me know if it does. Thanks for the help.


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment - I read each and every one of them! xx