
Monday, April 1, 2013

Sunday Stash #10 - Damn You Spotlight!

So I heard earlier last week that Spotlight was having a big old sale - again - this weekend.  I tried putting my fingers in my ear and singing "lalalala", but it didn't work.  I was thankful I had to work Saturday, Sunday and Monday, because I thought that would make it impossible to get there.  Fail.  It does not help in the least that I work with a gorgeous girl who is a fabric enabler.  "Go and get some fabric" she says!  "Take your lunch breaks" she says.  So I did....

Luckily for me, Easter Sunday was the perfect time to go, I think everyone was still enjoying their chocolate eggs!  I was in and out of there in, I kid you not, 20 minutes!  And this is what I got.....

I spent my lunch break at spotlight.... Again.... I'm trying to build up my builders in my stash. And not so many brights! At 40% off I can't complain! #spotlightstrikesagain
I most certainly didn't go for anything specific, but I did choose a whole lot of not very bold prints - mostly because almost everything in my stash IS bold!  So here we have quite a few blendy kind of fabrics.  The black and white spot was beautiful to the touch, and when I checked the selvedge it's an Andover fabric.  With the 40% off, some of these half metre cuts only cost me $2!!
And snuck in some yummy apple drill for my littlest and struck gold finding a hidden bolt of white prima!!
After I had chosen all the quilting cottons, I was digging around under one of the tables and hit the jackpot!  A bold of white Prima homespun!  That stuff is rare as hen's teeth these days.  So got me another five metres for future projects.  The divine apple print is a gorgeous drill fabric.  It had me at "hello".  My Chloe is going to love me making her a frock out of this for Winter - which seems to be baring in on us at a fair speed!

That's it for now.  Off to work again today, and then straight in to the city to meet the family at the first Hawthorn AFL game for the season!  Go Hawks!

I hope you all enjoy what's left of the long weekend.

I'm linking up with Sunday Stash at Finding Fifth.


  1. Oh I was pulled into spotlight and well, fabric and yarn galore!

  2. Oh you totally did score well. I am keeping away from Spotty this weekend.

  3. You pick the mst beautiful fabric! I bet your stash has grown so much the past few weeks. That apple print is my favorite!

  4. Why is it that when I see people's selections from Spotlight sales, they have these gorgeous fabrics. When I go helter skelter down there to find something "nice", it always eludes me :-(


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