
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

W.I.P. Wednesday #18 - What a doozy!

Well what a mammoth week I've had!  I was very excited to see Lee's directions posted early Friday morning for putting the Bloom Bloom Pow blooms together, but alas, did not get around to finishing my part until yesterday!  When I started placing it all out on the weekend, I wasn't entirely happy with how it was looking.  I felt like it was too "slim".  So yesterday, I banged out a couple more blooms.

Hmmmmm..... I wanted to make the cot size quilt due to time constraints, and then was planning on adding borders etc to make it up to single bed size.  However, have just realised I've made the blooms single bed size!  Whoops!  Suggestions on bloom placem
First attempt - 12 blooms
Woohoo! Done! Now to make it single bed size!
Finished product - 14 blooms!  I was so utterly pleased with myself when I'd finished putting this top together!  I'm really excited to get this baby up to single bed size, and figuring out how to use all the "scraps" to bring it all together.
Bloom Bloom Pow
I love this view.  Sooooo Pretty!
Happy not to be losing many point in this quilt top! #bloombloompow
Now my points are far from perfect, but really not too bad!
Another WIP I played with, is my bee blocks for my month being queen!  I chose THESE tutorials, and asked the ladies to use some nice bright scraps and Iron grey homespun.  I LOVE how this looks, and am looking forward to working out the right placement for them.  It is going to become a quilt for our lounge room.  I was sitting in there the other night with a fluffy throw rug on and said to my husband that we needed a quilt for in there.  To which he responded "I'm pretty sure you can fix that!"

How lucky am I? These are all the bee blocks that have been made for me! #qcabee5
So scrappy and yummy!
And this below my friends, is what would be commonly known as "mind numbing production line".  My darling Mother has popped zips in the backs of nearly all 116 cushion covers, so yesterday I spent three and a half hours squaring them all up and sewing them together.  I got through 40 of them!  Just waiting on the extra special labels to arrive so I can bind them all!  I'm getting there.....

Cushion production on track again #mindnumbing @shazinbali

And my last WIP this week?  Well, it involves a visit to the car wash.  You see, last week when driving Chloe home from creche, she was complaining of a sore tummy.  Which she does ALL THE TIME.  I changed the subject, and she told me she was going to be sick.  I told her she wasn't going to be sick "don't be silly" I say.  And she vomitted.  In my car.  All over the floor upholstery.  Sooooooo, after several attempts of cleaning and getting the smell out myself, I took it to the car washes for a steam clean.

Can only take this vomit smell for so long! #vomitbegone
Only problem being that I got in it today after being locked up all day whilst I was at work, and got that faint little whiff of spew.  Fail.

And that's my week!  I have lots of plans for the coming week, but have no idea how I'm going to manage to pull them all off!

I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced.  You can too!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Love your Bloom Bloom Pow quilt!! It's looking amazing. Is it hard? It looks so difficult!

    1. Ohhhh Sheri! It is not hard at all!just requires patience and imagination!

  2. Loving the jewel tones of these projects!! I'm getting ready to bbp next week and loved seeing yours!

  3. Wow! Your fabric picks for the BBP are lovely! They look so nice together!

  4. I love the colors in your BBP. It's going to be gorgeous!

  5. I LOVE your bloom bloom pow! This is my favorite one that I've seen!

  6. I LOVE your bloom bloom pow too!!! It's gorgeous and I so want to do this too. Wish the days were longer than 24 hours and I was younger.

  7. I absolutely LOVE your bloom bloom pow using Coccoon!!!! I haven't started mine yet, haven't even decided on fabrics: LOL!

  8. I really want to make both of those quilts. So I am going to try very hard not yo get rid of your email until I can start one of them.

  9. Love both of your quilts!! And you are making great progress on the truckload of cushions you need to make. You are so awesome!!

  10. I love your fabrics for your BBP. So jealous you have it put together! I haven't finished cutting my triangles yet.

  11. Your Bloom Bloom Pow is going to be stunning!

  12. Great fabric selection for this quilt! Probably my favorite so far. And good job on those points.

  13. Lovely fabrics on your bbp quilt. I wonder if Australians like brighter colours?


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