
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

W.I.P. Wednesday #19 - A New Block in My Repertoire!

I don't have much to show in the way of W.I.P.'s this week.  So this will be very short and sweet!  The last few weeks of W.I.P. Wednesday have been taken up with my Bloom Bloom Pow quilt.....but I have finished that baby, which you can see HERE!

Remember the huge wholesale order I got for cushion covers?  Well, the owner of the shop in Bali was in Melbourne over the weekend, so I sent her home with the first dozen finished!  And here they are sitting pretty in her store.  They look even better with the inserts in them!  Now......only 104 left to finish!

My first Japanese x + o block.
And this is my other W.I.P. for the week!  My first even X and + block.  I have joined in a Japanese X and + block bee over at A Yankee In Queen Liz's Court.  Patti is an absolute crack up, and the bunch of ladies involved are all over the world!  I need to churn four of these babies out each and every month, so I need to get my skates on!

That's all folks!

I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced!  You can too!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Your X and + looks great - I have seen some amazing quilts but don't know if I'm brave enough to have a go!

  2. I can't believe you finished your BBP quilt. What?!?! I'm still on like the second step before I got completely derailed. I love the X and + block they always make me happy. I need to crank a few out for a color exercise.

  3. i love x & + blocks. how fun that you're in a bee devoted to them!

  4. Love the x and + ! I was in 2 swaps for them, and now am trying to make enough blocks to finish up my quilt!

  5. The b&w stripes are brilliant! Can't wait to see the next 100+ ;)

  6. Love your X and + block - your color choices are so wonderful! I love bright colors together, and this block is on my list to make. Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. LOVE LOVE LOVE your X and + Block to pieces. Hmphh you only have 104 cushion covers left to make. Whatever you waitin for girl - get a move on or you won't have time for your bees!!! Love you really.

  8. Great block Midge!! Awesome job on the cushions xx


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