
Thursday, May 23, 2013

W.I.P. Wednesday (Ok, it's Thursday!) #20 - Still Flying.

Yesterday, I had the sudden urge to get more done on my "Flying by the seat of my pants" quilt.  So out of hibernation she came and this is how she ended up!  Chevrons finished, and then grabbed some of the scrappy bits to add another layer and then more white to frame it all.  I "think" I'm finished?

Ok I think I'm done?!? #flyingbytheseatofmypants
Please excuse badddddd iphone photo!  Good news - I just got my new camera today!

I say "think" because I have no idea who this quilt will be given to, or even if it will be given.  So how then do I choose what size to make it?  How to quilters decide on that stuff?  Anyway, at this stage it's between throw size and single bed size.  I guess you would call it child friendly size?

This my friends is what happens when you decide to make a dresden for a cushion and then turn it in to a quilt!  Watch this space, for I intend* to quilt this baby like never before!

There's no linky linking up this week.....but there will be plenty of W.I.P.'S out there for your to see in bloggy land!

* Disclaimer - my intentions can sometime be bigger than what eventuates.......


  1. This quilt top is gorgeous!!! I love the colors and the design. Can't wait to see how you quilt it!!!


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