
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Kate Spain Blog Hop - Stopping Here Today!

Kate Spain blog hop

Last week, I wrote about my love for Kate Spain in THIS POST, today I'm showing you my latest project using a gorgeous little FQ bundle of Cuzco!  I finished this a couple of weeks ago, so it has been very difficult for me to keep it to myself, waiting for my turn on the Kate Spain Blog Hop!  I hope you've been keeping up with the hop over at Blossom Heart Quilts?  You can find all the dates HERE.

So - what did I make?  Well, I bought myself a whizz bang new camera a few weeks ago, and at the same time, bought a generic black camera bag from the same store.  And kept the tags on.  Because I really didn't like it.  And I really didn't want to pay a million dollars $150 for the only store bought camera bag I saw and thought was ok.  So then began a Pinterest search to rival no other!  I was determined to make my own goddamn camera bag!

Many days of searching and second guessing myself later, I found the Sew Sweetness Paparazzi camera bag pattern.  And it was $8 well spent!  I made a trip to my local Clark Rubber store and bought some foam for the padding and then took to my beloved Cuzco with gusto!

And this my friends, is the end result........

Camera Bag

I love, love, love it!  I mixed the Cuzco with some lightweight denim I had in my shelves, and added some quilting to the handles and trim, as well as the side/bottom panel.

Camera Bag

I found a gorgeous blue zipper to pop in the back and surprised myself with a new way of inserting a zip!

Camera Bag

The side panels of the bag have one inch foam padding, and then there are removable foam padding inserts in the base of the bag and also to put between your camera and accessories.  The pattern calls for rows of velcro to be sewn on the inside of the bag, and also on the edges of the padding.  However - after sewing one row on, I decided against the velcro.  I'm still trying to work out how to make the padding work for me!

Camera Bag

Camera Bag

The pattern also gives you directions for using hidden magnetic closures, but I chose to use my good old handy snap machine with some co-ordinating blue snaps.  

Camera Bag

And just to make sure it was a great functional bag - this beauty has just travelled all the way to Fiji and back!  Not only did it carry my camera and accessories - it also served as my handbag/travel bag!  So I think I can safely say it's great!

What I love most about this bag is the bright and bold colours.  I loved that each time I opened it up to get something out, I was greeted with those vibrant oranges and pinks.  Needless to say, the generic black camera bag was returned for a refund, and no million dollars spent.  Instead I have this one of a kind, unique bag which cost me around $35 to make!  Winner!

Thanks again to Alyce over at Blossom Heart Quilts for running this amazing Blog Hop!  I'm loving visiting all the blogs involved and drooling over all the fabulous Kate Spain inspired projects!  Be sure to link up any new projects you have made this month using Kate Spain fabric lines on the 28th of June.  I know I will be!


  1. Well done Melissa. You should be justifiably proud of yourself! Love the bag. Love the colours. Love that you had the smarts to go look for a pattern too.

  2. Cute and functional bag!! I love the bright colors with the denim and the denim should be durable. The snaps were a great idea too!

  3. Nice! Clever! This looks fantastic and I wish I'd seen this before my recent "store bought" purchase...that makes me look like a tourist with a massive expensive camera that might be nice to steal...

  4. Nice! Clever! This looks fantastic and I wish I'd seen this before my recent "store bought" purchase...that makes me look like a tourist with a massive expensive camera that might be nice to steal...

  5. Love your camera bag - it's just stunning!

  6. So amazingly beautiful and functional! Cuzco is my obsession right now.

  7. Love your bag!! and I browsed your finished quilts page, and I can see you have a few more KS fabrics in projects!! :-) I love the pillow that you have a snippit of in the right hand picture of your blog header: what is that block callled? thanks for sharing!! H in Healdsburg

  8. What a beautiful camera bag! You picked the loveliest fabrics to go together!

  9. Loving the cushions, the cute dresses you have made and now a camera bag, it's amazing how Kate Spains fabrics can be used in so many different ways.

  10. This is so fantastic - love the colours and the design.

  11. Great projects!!! Your Camera Bag is Amazing!!! My daughter would loooooove it!! She NEVER goes anywhere w/o her camera...this bag is perfect!!!

  12. Such a great bag Midge! The denim is just perfect with Kate's bright prints :)

  13. I've heard a lot of good things about this pattern, thanks for sharing this beauty!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I have a buy camera online and i want to create some blogs to improve my traffic but i was see your blogs and i was happy to get some idea to your blogs thanks a lot you create a good blogs i hope you do more blogs ^^


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment - I read each and every one of them! xx