
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday Stash #18 - The Intrepid Thread strikes again!

I made the very smart decision a couple of years ago to follow The Intrepid Thread on Facebook.  And via Newsletter.  And......well, you get the picture.  It's a fabulous online store, and Julie is always throwing in a special here and there!  A couple of weeks ago she had a bunch of fabric on sale, Notting Hill being one of them.  I had a slight kinniption, and NEEDED to order some yardage for the backing of the quilt I am yet to make!  I've had my FQ bundle of Notting Hill patiently waiting for me to choose a pattern - which I am still yet to do - for quite some time now.  And now I have the backing and binding ready too.

Julie throws in a couple of cute charm squares with her orders.

Whilst I was at it, I thought I best fill up the envelope to make the most of the shipping I would be paying on my eight yards.  So I bought the FQ bundle of Indian Summer which I used immediately in THIS QUILT.  I also got a FQ bundle of Kona Modern Quilts.  And when I mentioned in QCA that I was ordering from Julie, Molli popped up and said if I needed help filling that envelope, he would surely be able to help!  So there's five half yards of Notting Hill there too!

The only other additions to my stash this past week have been metres of homespun.  They were used immediately also - which my shelves are thanking me for.

I'm linking up with Sunday Stash at Finding Fifth - You can too!



  1. When you do eventually crack open the Notting Hill, and if Joshua hasn't already spoken up!, I would love to help you with the scraps ;)

  2. Haha... goodness, we are bad for each other! Both such enablers! I can see my little pretties there and they already make me happy! I need to find a pattern too! What are you thinking about? Something large enough to let the fabric show off, but I also want it to be interesting.

  3. Pretty addition. Looking forward to see the Kona Modern Quilts in use.

  4. Great additions. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the Notting Hill.

  5. Beautiful fabrics! I love the philosophy of "better order more fabric to makes the shipping cost worthwhile". I use that one all the time too!!

  6. Somehow I have missed both the release and the sales of Notting Hill. Why? Total loss!


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