
Friday, June 28, 2013

T.G.I.F.F. - June Bee Blocks

I've had a reasonably productive week - especially considering I had my four year old niece on Tuesday and spent only half days home yesterday and today!  Winning!  I decided I would get on to the June Bee Blocks - seeing as though there's only a couple of days left in the month.....


This is the block I chose for my month as Queen in the paper piecing bee I am a part of.  When I saw Quilt Jane had made this block in to a quilt, I was in love.  And then spent many weeks thinking how I could "make the block mine"?  With a bit of brain storming with The Wombat Stew girls, and some printing out of patterns, sticky taping and colouring in - I was able to interpret how I would like the blocks to be made.  And I'm pretty darn happy!  Three of the girls have finished their blocks, and they are going to look UH-mazing!  I still am undecided what I will be making from the blocks, but watch this space....


Yesterday I finally tackled Lisa's Herringbone block from the QCA Bee #5.  I'd read the tutorial a million times and really could not make much sense of it!  So bit the bullet and got down to the task at hand.  And was still muddled.  After much turning of rulers and double checking I was doing things correctly, I figured it out.  And I must say, these blocks are striking!

LRRH Cushion

I know I showed you this finish on Tuesday, but I couldn't help myself from sharing again today!  Isn't she sweet?

I'm linking up with T.G.I.F.F, being hosted by the lovely Alyce at Blossom Heart Quilts  AND Kristy's Paper Piecing Party over at Quiet Play -  You can too!

Paper Piecing Party


  1. Love that sweet little red riding hood cushion! That herringbone block looks really hard - eek!

  2. I love your bee blocks! The way the black sets off the other colors is fantastic. and I don't blame you one bit for showing off Red Riding Hood again. It is that darn cute! By the way, you should hop over and share at needle and thread Thursday! It will be open through today!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  3. I do like the way your arranged the fabrics in your queen block and can't wait to see what they become. And when it comes to complex directions, I too often find that until I do it step by step, the directions don't make sense. It is fun to stretch our skills.

  4. Your bee blocks look just fabulous! Can't wait to see how your Wombat Stew blocks come together!

  5. I think your Wombat Stew quilt will be UH-mazing too! Love the black. Your cushion is super sweet. The fussy cutting is perfect. :)

  6. Such a sweet cushion and I love your bee block - it's going to make an amazing quilt!

  7. That Herringbone block looks like a LOT of work. Was it paper pieced? I still have to tackle your Wombat Stew block but fabric choices are holding me up sorry. I did buy some Spotty Prima black though. Soon Midgey soon.

  8. These colors are UH-mazing. So bright and cheery and perfect summery fun ;)


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