
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My Latest Obsession

My habit of not letting a project sit around long is continuing.  I embarked on my Swoon quilt a week ago, and as of this afternoon, I have six finished blocks and four half finished blocks - which essentially means I am almost 3/4 of the way done!  Hoorah!

My body is not shouting Hoorah however.  This chain piecing and assembling really does take it out on your body.  Oh and not to mention the hours spent at the iron, pressing HST's and geese!  But oh well, I'm pretty damn impressed with my progress......








I've managed to fussy cut quite a few of the centre blocks, but I am using fat quarters, and it gets a bit tricky trying to get all the pieces required cut, and managing to leave a 6.5" block of perfection!

Now, given that this will be the first queen size quilt I have made, I am wondering how I am going to quilt it, or if I will even be able to manage it?  I have a beautiful Bernina, however, I already wrestle with single bed quilts, so thinking my muscles may not be up for the challenge.  I've discussed it a little with the lovely quilters in QCA, and have been told to look up Quilt as You go.  Which I still haven't!  The other option is sending the quilt off when it's finished to be quilts by a long arm.  Still a little bit of time to decide, but I am open to suggestions - so fire away!

I'm apologising warning you now - you will see many a blog post from here onwards until this quilt is finished!

I'm linking up with W.I.P. Wednesday - You can too!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. I love this Midge! Swoon is just such an amazing pattern - I plan on 'saving' it for my Tilda fabric. Two obsessions turned into one big glorious quilt, that's the plan!

    I can totally understand your quilting predicament with this size of quilt. If your budget allows, a professional quilter could really do your beautiful hard work justice. But if you'd prefer quilt as you go, here is a link to Maureen Cracknell's tutorial: - I haven't tried it myself, but it seems really straight forward.

    Looking forward to seeing more posts about this lovely creation :-)

  2. these are truly lovely, good choice on the fabric selection and fussy cutting!

  3. I've seen these popping up on the QCA page and drool everytime. Beautiful. Love how you've fussy cut the centres.

  4. love your Swoon! bravo to you for getting so much done! I love the color combos you chose for your blocks. Each really works so well together!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  5. I'm pretty impressed with you too! You have whipped these up so fast!! Each block is looking just fantastic!

  6. Your blocks look lovely! Great progress too. No idea about quilting though.

  7. I'm impressed too, they look fantastic.

  8. These blocks are beautiful Midge! Can't wait to see the quilt! And on the off chance you aren't in a hurry to quilt it I would happily quilt it for you next year :) xx

  9. Love, love, love your colour choices. Looking forward to seeing the completed quilt. As for quilting, I loathe quilt as you go. Mostly because the only ones I have seen (and done) have these ugly joining sashing strips. Perhaps some bright spark has worked out a way to QAYG with out them and if they have I would love to see how its done. I would simply find a quilter with a long arm. Alternatively, if you find a Hobbysew shop close enough to visit, they have long arms which you can hire by the hour. Good luck with that.

  10. I am in love with this quilt you're making so will be looking forward to your updates!

  11. I'm in the middle of a swoon, also, and just love the way they come together. Your fabric choices are lovely!

  12. Your blocks are beautiful! What fabric line/lines are you using? I have been wanting to do a Swoon quilt for the longest time, but I need to cut down my WIP pile first. I would send it off to be long-armed. I made my son a quilt a few months ago and I had it long-armed. Best decision ever! My machine is small though (I can barely fit a throw size quilt). Found you from WIP Wednesday :)


  13. yum such great fabric much visual texture...really like them

  14. So close to the finish line!! I have loved this quilt from the beginning and can't wait to start my Swoon although there is no way mine will come together as fast as yours. Beautiful work!!

  15. This looks awesome! You've been busy! I stopped at 6 blocks, but I have plans for a 48" swoon for the back (crazy I know). You can get 'er done soon!

  16. Wow! You are making such quilt progress. Great job!

  17. Your blocks are beautiful! There is a gal on the Swooning Hop Along Flickr group that offers to longarm quilt any Camille patterned quilts, but especially Swoon, for a great price. Look it up in the discussion thread.

  18. Oh I love your swoon blocks...great progress. I am on #3

  19. I really like your blocks!! I just got my first swoon block done today. It is a little wonky, but I am like the end results. Quilting it will be a bit tricky, not looking forward to that part of the process.

  20. Love your fabric choices for your swoon blocks!!

  21. Beautiful fabrics! It took me all year to get my Swoon top finished, and have only just received the backing fabric another six months later. So maybe a two year turnaround if I get cracking. If you FMQ focusing on each element of the quilt - the star, the star background, the accent shapes, and then the background within the sashing, and lastly the sashing - you are only working on a small area at a time, and there is minimal movement of the quilt. I find this makes it heaps easier to manage very large quilts. Hope this helps and you can visualize what I'm talking about :0)

  22. Love your blocks! Gotta do this one. I recognized some of those fabrics! Any particular line or a mix? Love the choices, they really show off the block.

  23. Absolutely love your blocks in these gorgeous fabrics! I ended up getting my Swoon long armed last year as it was too big for me to handle:)


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