
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner.

Thank you to everyone who popped in and commented on my 50,000 giveaway post!  It was really lovely and insightful to hear why you keep coming to see me here, and what brought you here in the first place.  It certainly helped to reassure me that blogging is not a complete waste of my time!  You all made it very difficult for me to choose a winner too!  But here she is:

I love the thought of sitting around with a cuppa talking about quilting!  Note to self: join a quilting group.  A real life quilting group - not online!

I shall send you through an email tonight Deb and get that little stash of fabric and goodies off in the post!

Today I went in to the city to the Craft & Quilt Fair.  Had a lovely wander around and saw some fabulous quilts.  I will share some photos and conversations with you another day - I'm stuffed!

Thanks again everyone!


  1. Congratualtions to Deb. And thank you for hostign the giveaway.

  2. Wow that's exciting news. You've made my day!! Thank you so much

  3. Funny how i feel like we have met...i would love to do that cuppa one day.


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment - I read each and every one of them! xx