
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

W.I.P. Wednesday - A Little Circa Fun

It's not often that I buy fabric because I think it will be popular - rather than me really loving it.  But that's exactly what I did when I chose to add some Circa to my last fabric order.  I must say - I was very pleasantly surprised when I saw it!  It is probably the girliest fabric I've ever had!  And yes - NOW I love it!

Anyway, after it started speaking to me, I thought I best listen and got to thinking about what to do with it.  And this is what I came up with!

WIP - Circa Quilt

It's a very simple design, but oh so effective.  I made the nine blocks first, and then they sat there over the weekend.  When I pulled them out yesterday, I was muddled where to go to from there.  It was originally going to be a cot sized quilt, but when I did the math (you know how much I suck at math) I realised it would be the wrong dimensions for a cot size!  So, I just re-jigged my technical drawing (this time on the back of an envelope) to up it to a single size.  And added some reverse blocks on the ends.  LOTS of white space for quilting!

WIP - Circa Quilt

And my favourite view of quilts.

I've also made the backing, but it photographed terribly due to being mostly white!  So you will have to wait to see that until next week - when I hope I've been able to go and buy some more batting and will have it quilted - Fingers crossed!

A little reminder that today is the last day to enter my GIVEAWAY.  It ends tonight and the winner will be announced here tomorrow night!

I'm linking up with W.I.P. Wednesday - You can too!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. pretty quilt top! I really like the addition of the negative blocks on the ends. With all of that white space, it's going to have so much dimension when it's quilted!

    :) Kelly @ my Quilt Infatuaiton

  2. Sooo pretty - I love what you have done with the fabrics :)

  3. Gorgeous! This is why I visit :-D

  4. Lovely ... such sweet happy colours. Looking forward to seeing how you quilt the white space :)

  5. So in love with the fabric you choose, and love your design, the babyquilt im doing is similar to yours, finished the top some minutes, and i love your reverse Idea, so maybe I make mine a bit longer. *g* Hugs

  6. Beautiful quilt top! I love the reverse blocks... All that negative space is going to allow the quilting to shine. Can't wait to see it finished.

  7. This is beautiful.. I don't have a lot of the girly-girly fabric either, but this is swoonworthy! I love it!

  8. I love what you did with the Circa fabric. Beautiful work!

  9. Very very simple and very very effective. Clever to reverse the nine patch.

  10. That's so weird Midge...I feel the same about Circa! I keep seeing it pop up, and everyone is doing backflips over it, while I'm sitting here thinking "meh".

    BUT. (That's a big but, I cannot lie)
    What you have done with the Circa is uber fabulous! It looks amazing chopped up and stitched together like that. The colours are so saturated that they shine like gems, once they are in small squares. I honestly love this!


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