
Friday, August 2, 2013

T.G.I.F.F. - Circa is Finito!

Hoorah!  Another finish!  I put the binding on this baby yesterday morning and had it washed and dried by afternoon.  Unfortunately the lighting in our neck of the woods was atrocious, so the beautiful gem tones of the Circa fabrics just aren't showing as well as they could be.  But here she is....


I'm not usually one to wash a quilt before it finds a new home, but given that I used chalk stencils and hairspray whilst quilting, it was in desperate need of a wash!  I will write up a post and my review of the stencils I used, so you can see if it's something you might like to try!


It's come up beautifully - nice and crinkly all over.



And the back - a TONNE of negative white space for the quilting to show!  I LOVE it!


This photo is probably the best representation of colour - and it was pre-wash!


And now?  Well it just needs to find a home!  I have submitted it in to a gorgeous Jennifer Paganelli Showcase over at Fabric Love Australia.  There are some stunning handmade items in the showcase, so be sure to check it out!  It begins tomorrow night and runs for a week - hopefully somebody loves it enough to make a purchase!

The need to know bit - Measures 75" x 54" after being washed.  Fabric - Circa by Jennifer Paganelli and white broadcloth.  Design - Simple 9 patch and reverse 9 patch on top and bottom.  Bamboo batting.  Aurifil white thread for quilting!

*** I know I said yesterday that I would have my Swoon quilt finished to show you today - but it just didn't happen!  But here's a sneak peek for you.....

I am incredibly happy with it and just can't wait to get the binding on and have some good weather to take the big finale photos!  Watch this space!

I'm linking up with T.G.I.F.F. over at Quokka Quilts - You can too!


  1. Your quilting is amazing, seriously, amazing! I'm looking forward to seeing your swoon quilt :)

  2. Such a beautiful quilt! I love a freshly washed quilt...and the crinkles. :) I always wash a quilt before I give it away as a gift, especially for a baby.

  3. I love it!!! Your quilting looks fabulous!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  4. I love this quilt! The pattern is very imaginative!
    Great job and congratulations on the finish!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  5. There is a whole lot to be proud of there! Love the way it turned out. 9 patch is my favorite patch of all!!


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