
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

W.I.P. Wednesday - Pink

Short and very sweet post tonight.  I started working on a project for a "Pretty in Pink Showcase" on Monday........ Now I don't generally do much pinky pink, but I pulled out all stops for this one!  In fact, this project led me to a few stash observations and a bit of stash renovation.  I'll talk about that in another post!  But for now, here's the beginning of something beautiful.....



I'm halfway through quilting, will get it finished tomorrow with any luck.  Keeping it simple.  And hopefully understated.

Are you a pinky pink kind of gal?

I'm linking up with W.I.P.  Wednesday - You can too!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Ooooh - love the simplicity - very sweet (and I dig those pinwheels in the corners!!)

  2. Super cute! I love the girliness of this one!

  3. With two girls in the house I'm definitely pinky pink person! I used to hate it but since I dyed my hair blond I love it, lol. Your quilt looks great. Love the pinwheel and all those cute prints.

  4. This is very precious! I have been pink lately, with a grand daughter on the way!!

  5. very nice, something about simple patch works quilts that I love the most!!

  6. very pretty! I have two nieces who love pink so I am going to have to venture into pink-land sometime soon too!!


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