
Friday, September 6, 2013

T.G.I.F.F. - Snap!

Today has been about catching up!  The Queen Bee for August in our QCA Bee #5 chose a Polaroid block.  Having never made one, I put it off thinking it was going to be tricky.  Wrong.  This little baby was whipped up in a couple of hours from start to finish.

I quite enjoy getting out ye old novelty prints, and getting my fussy cut on!  These are only 2.5" fussy cuts, which made the choice a little tricky with some of them.  The Queen also declared these blocks were to be for a boy's quilt - I think my block fits the specifications?

Polaroid Block for QCA Bee #5

For the first time in forever, this block came to a perfect 12.5" without any trimming at all!  Unheard of!  I need to give it another iron, because I can now see that the edges of the polaroids aren't quite straight!

Polaroid Block for QCA Bee #5

And a closer look at those cute little prints.  Some of these are proof of my change in fabric purchasing. I actually buy some fabrics for their fussy cut potential!

I'm linking up with T.G.I.F.F. being hosted over at Quokka Quilts!  You can too!


  1. awesome block and 100% boy perfect!!

  2. Beautiful block and gorgeous quilt! Love it!

  3. Gorgeous blocks them. Thanks for sharing stopping by TGIFF. Marie (

  4. Sew cute! I think you did well all around.

  5. I can see a fantastic game of I Spy with this block, well done.


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